Central Wasatch Commission Board Budget/Finance Committee
Notice Subject(s)
Public Meetings
Notice Type(s)
Event Start Date & Time
September 16, 2020 03:30 PM
Central Wasatch Commission
Budget/Finance/Audit Committee Meeting
Wednesday: September 16, 2020
3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Committee membership:
Mayor Jeff Silvestrini Chair, Mayor Erin Mendenhall Treasurer, Mayor Harris Sondak, Councilmember Jim Bradley
In view of the current COVID-19 pandemic
This meeting will occur only electronically, without a physical location, as authorized by the Governor's Executive Order dated March 18, 2020 (the 'Governor's Order'). The public may remotely hear the open portions of the meeting through live broadcast by connecting to:
3:30 p.m. Opening
1. Mayor Silvestrini, as Chair of the Budget/Finance Committee will call the meeting to order.
2. Mayor Silvestrini will introduce Greg Ogden/Auditor for discussion and review of the 2019 - 2020 audit and management letter.
3. Committee will discuss Fraud Risk Assessment Implementation Guidelines, Operational Response provided by staff, and complete the assessment tool for discussion and further action at the October 5, 2020 Board of Commissioners meeting.
4:00 p.m. August 2020 Financials and Staff Report Update
1. August 2020 documents were previously emailed to committee members: what is here is an update to member contributions received plus the opportunity for any questions.
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Budget/Finance/Audit Committee Agenda
September 16, 2020
3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
4:15 p.m. Committee Items:
1. Transportation Committee: Mountain Transit System: couple of items:
(i). RFP for Mountain Transit System Summit in November 2020; RFP was distributed 8.25.2020 (spreadsheets of distributed attached); decision process included here as attachment: facilitator contract Approved by Chair Robinson; for this committee's review; ratification will be requested during the 10.5.2020 CWC Board of Commissioners meeting.
(ii). Zoom Events Consulting contract for expanded tech support of November 13/14, 2020 Mountain Transit System Summit. $1,500 Approved by Chair Robinson; for this committee's review; to be ratified by CWC Board in October.
2. Short Term Projects Committee:
(i). Update on short term projects potential funding of previously reviewed projects or new call for ideas.
(ii). Report: SLCO funds received for Desolation Trail: update on when work might be scheduled.
4:25 p.m. Any Other Discussion Item
4:30 p.m. Adjournment
Please take notice that a quorum of the Board of Commissioners (the 'Board') of the Central Wasatch Commission (the 'CWC') may attend the meeting of the Board's Budget & Finance Committee scheduled for Wednesday; September 16, 2020; beginning at 3:30 p.m. The agenda for that meeting of the Committee is accessible here: Utah Public Notice Website, CWC's website, The Salt Lake Tribune, and Deseret News.
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Budget/Finance/Audit Committee
September 16, 2020
3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
At or before 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 15, 2020 - the undersigned does hereby certify that the above notice agenda was:
(1) Posted on the Utah Public Notice Website created under UTAH CODE ANN. 63F-1-701; and
(2) Provided to The Salt Lake Tribune and/or Deseret News or to a local media correspondent.
Final action may be taken in relation to any topic listed on the agenda, including but not limited to adoption, rejection, amendment, addition of conditions and variations of options discussed. Members of the Central Wasatch Commission may participate electronically. Meetings may be closed for reasons allowed by statute.
Kaye V. Mickelson, Central Wasatch Commission Administrator
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify Kaye Mickelson at (801) 230-2506, 24 hours prior to the meeting.