The PROVO CITY is proposing to increase its property tax revenue.
- The PROVO CITY tax on a $482,000 residence would increase from $253.97 to $265.90, which is $11.93 per year.
- The PROVO CITY tax on a $482,000 business would increase from $461.76 to $483.45, which is $21.69 per year.
- If the proposed budget is approved, PROVO CITY would increase its property tax budgeted revenue by 4.95% above last year's property tax budgeted revenue excluding eligible new growth.
All concerned citizens are invited to a public hearing on the tax increase.
Date/Time: 8/13/2024 6:00pm
Location: Provo City Hall Council Chambers, 445 W Center St, Provo
To obtain more information regarding the tax increase, citizens may contact PROVO CITY at 801-852-6120.
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
Individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting are invited to notify the Provo Council Office at 445 W. Center, Provo, Utah 84601, (801) 852-6120 or email
Notice of Electronic or Telephone Participation
One or more Councilors may participate by telephone or Internet communication in this meeting. Phone or Internet communications will be amplified as needed so all Councilors and others attending the meeting will be able to hear the persons participating.