Utah Homeless Services Board Meeting - May 16, 2024
Notice Subject(s)
Homeless Persons
Notice Type(s)
Event Start Date & Time
May 16, 2024 12:30 PM
Event End Date & Time
May 16, 2024 03:30 PM
May 16, 2024 | 12:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Virtual Meeting Link
Location: Utah State Capitol, Rm. 445, 350 N. State St., Salt Lake City, UT 84103
- Host the first convening of the Utah Homeless Services Board (UHSB)
- Provide the Chair and a member of the Utah Legislature with an opportunity to share their vision
for the UHSB
- Introduce and seek approval for the FY25 Homelessness Funding Recommendations
- Introduce and seek approval for the FY25 Mitigation Formula Funding Application
- Introduce and seek approval for a lived experience subcommittee
- Introductions for all members of the UHSB to support staff from the Utah Office of Homeless
Services (OHS)
- OHS receives approval for RFGA recommendations and the mitigation fund application
- Begin forming a subcommittee composed of members with lived experience
Time: Agenda Item: Led by:
12:30 1. Welcome and Roll Call Randy Shumway and Shalie Ripley
12:35 2. Introductions Randy Shumway
12:45 3. Approval of UHC February Minutes* Randy Shumway
12:50 4. Statement by Board Chair Randy Shumway
1:05 5. Input from Rep. Eliason Rep. Eliason (in-person)
1:20 6. Break Randy Shumway
1:30 7. FY25 State Homelessness Funding Recommendations* Tricia Davis
a. Review Committee and Staff Recognition
b. FY 25-27 RFGA Timeline Review
c. Overview of Submitted Applications
d. Review Committee Process
e. Final Funding Recommendations
f. RFGA Award Conditions
g. Staff Recommendations
2:45 8. Break Randy Shumway
2:50 9. Homeless Shelter Cities Mitigation Funding Opportunity Tricia Davis
3:20 10. Motion for Lived Experience Subcommittee* Wanye Niederhauser
3:30 11. Adjourn* Randy Shumway
* Needs Approval
Has corresponding document
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify Shalie Ripley.
Notice of Electronic or Telephone Participation
To attend virtually: https://utah-gov.zoom.us/j/82378429243