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Central Wasatch Commission
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Central Wasatch Commission Board

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Notice Title
Regular Meeting
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Public Meetings
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Notice, Meeting
Event Start Date & Time
May 6, 2019 04:00 PM
CENTRAL WASATCH COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MONDAY, MAY 6TH, 2019, 4:00PM COTTONWOOD HEIGHTS CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 2277 East Bengal Boulevard, Cottonwood Heights, Utah A. OPENING i. Commissioner Chris McCandless will conduct the meeting as Chair of the CWC. ii. The Commission will consider approving the meeting minutes of Monday, April 1st, 2019. B. PUBLIC COMMENT. Comments to the Commission are taken on any item not scheduled for a public hearing, as well as on any other CWC business. Comments are limited to three minutes. C. COMMISSIONER COMMENT i. Recognition of Kimi Barnett (SLCO), Laura Briefer (SLCPU), and Carly Castle (SLCPU) for their public service in support of the CWC. D. STAFF MONTHLY REPORT i. Presentation by Executive Director Ralph Becker of his monthly report. E. STAKEHOLDERS COUNCIL UPDATE AND DISCUSSION i. Stakeholders Council Vice Chair Dr. Kelly Bricker will provide an update on the February Stakeholders Council Meeting and work moving forward. ii. Staff will provide recommendations for next steps regarding analysis of visitor capacity in the Central Wasatch Mountains. F. DISCUSSION AND AMENDMENT TO 2019 STAKEHOLDER COUNCIL ANNUAL MEETING SCHEDULE i. Consideration of RESOLUTION 2019-14 amending the regular meeting location for the CWC Stakeholder Council for 2019. G. TRANSPORTATION UPDATE AND DISCUSSION i. April 9th Open House Presentation a. Penna Powers President Dave Smith will provide a presentation of the Little Cottonwood EIS and Cottonwood Canyons TAP open house held at Cottonwood Heights City Hall. ii. UTA Ski Service Update and Discussion a. UTA Regional General Manager Lorin Simpson and UTA Director of Planning Laura Hanson will provide a presentation of UTA ski service in the Cottonwood Canyons. b. CWC Executive Director Ralph Becker will lead a discussion surrounding short term improvements to transit service in the Cottonwood Canyons for the 2019-2020 ski season. iii. Parking Study Task Presentation a. Desman Associates Senior Planner Scot Martin will provide a presentation on the parking strategy for Cottonwood Canyons Transportation Action Plan. H. ENVIRONMENTAL DASHBOARD PROJECT UPDATE AND DISCUSSION i. CWC Communications Director Lindsey Nielsen will provide an update on the status of the Environmental Dashboard project. I. CWC QUARTERLY BUDGET UPDATE i. Presentation by CWC Budget Officer Dave Sanderson concerning the CWC's FY 2019 3rd quarter financial report and FY 2018/2019 budget comparison. J. CWC 2019-2020 BUDGET DISCUSSION AND ACTION i. Presentation by CWC Budget Officer Dave Sanderson regarding the proposed tentative budget for the CWC for FY 2019-2020. ii. Consideration of RESOLUTION 2019-15 Approving a Tentative Budget for the CWC for FY 2019-2020, Setting the Time and Place of a Public Hearing, and Directing Public Notice of Such Hearing. K. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATE OF POSTING At or before 4:00 p.m. on Friday, May 3rd, 2019, the undersigned does hereby certify that the above notice and agenda and agenda was (1) posted at either the CWC's principal office or at the building where the meeting is to be held; (2) posted on the Utah Public Notice Website created under UTAH CODE ANN. 63F-1-701; and (3) provided to The Salt Lake Tribune and/or Deseret News and to a local media correspondent. Final action may be taken in relation to any topic listed on the agenda, including but not limited to adoption, rejection, amendment, addition of conditions and variations of options discussed. Members of the Commission may participate electronically. Meetings may be closed for reasons allowed by statute. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations or assistance during this meeting shall notify the CWC's Communications Director at (801) 706-1004 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. TDD number is (801) 270-2425 or call Relay Utah at #711. Lindsey Nielsen CWC Communications Director
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify LIndsey Nielsen at (801) 706-1004, 24 hours prior to the meeting.
Notice of Electronic or Telephone Participation
As per the commission policies.

Meeting Information

Meeting Location
2277 E Bengal Blvd.
Cottonwood Heights, 84121
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Contact Name
Mia McNeil
Contact Email

Notice Posting Details

Notice Posted On
April 26, 2019 05:39 PM
Notice Last Edited On
May 02, 2019 03:17 PM

Download Attachments

File Name Category Date Added
May 6th, 2019 CWC Mtg Recording.mp3 Audio Recording 2019/05/08 10:46 AM
CWC- Draft 050619 CWC Mtg Minutes.pdf Meeting Minutes 2019/05/23 02:38 PM
CWC 4-1-19 Draft Minutes.pdf Meeting Minutes 2019/05/05 11:56 AM
CWC Minutes Motion Sheet.pdf Public Information Handout 2019/05/05 11:57 AM
Service Choices Overview.pdf Public Information Handout 2019/05/05 11:58 AM
FY 2019 YTD BUDGET REPORT 03 31 2019.pdf Public Information Handout 2019/05/05 11:58 AM
Environmental Dashboard Memo.pdf Public Information Handout 2019/05/05 11:58 AM
CWC-Resolution 2019-15 Approving Tentative Budget for 2019-2020.pdf Public Information Handout 2019/05/05 11:58 AM
CWC-Notice of Public Hearing (2019-20 Budget Adoption)).pdf Public Information Handout 2019/05/05 11:57 AM
CWC Short Term Transit Service Vision for the Cottonwood Canyons.pdf Public Information Handout 2019/05/05 11:57 AM
CWC- 5-6-19 Board Agenda.pdf Public Information Handout 2019/04/26 05:38 PM
CWC Budget Motion Sheet.pdf Public Information Handout 2019/05/05 11:57 AM
CWC 5-6-19 Carrying Capacity Memorandum .pdf Public Information Handout 2019/05/05 11:56 AM
April Staff Report.pdf Public Information Handout 2019/05/05 11:56 AM
2019-20 Base Budget.xls Public Information Handout 2019/05/05 11:55 AM
4-22-19 JD Letter to CWC Board.pdf Public Information Handout 2019/05/05 11:55 AM
CWC- 5-6-19 Amended Board Agenda .pdf Public Information Handout 2019/05/02 03:17 PM

Board/Committee Contacts

Member Email Phone
Nann Worel nann.worel@parkcity.org (415)615-5000
Jeff Silvestrini jsilvestrini@millcreek.us (801)214-2705
Dann Knopp danknopp@brighton.utah.gov (801)244-0366
Erin Mendenhall erin.mendenhall@slcgov.com (801)535-7704
Chris Robinson cfrobinson@summitcounty.org (801)559-4397
Monica Zoltanski mzoltanski@sandy.utah.gov (801)568-7100
Roger Bourke rbourke@townofalta.com (801)742-3522
Carlton Christensen carlton@rideuta.com (801)743-3882
Annalee Munsey munsey@mwdsls.org (801)942-1391
Michael Weichers mweichers@ch.utah.gov (801)944-7000
David Whittekiend david.whittekiend@usda.gov N/A


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