The agenda will be as follows:
1) Welcome and call meeting to order
2) Chairman's report
3) Elect chair and vice chair
4) Approval of minutes: October 8, 2024
5) Calendar and confirmation of meeting dates
6) Stakeholder and public input
The committee will set aside 15 minutes at the committee meeting to hear from anyone wishing to speak. Each presenter is allowed one opportunity and has up to three (3) minutes for remarks. If joining by Zoom, please use the 'raise hand' feature at the bottom of the screen, in order to be called upon to provide comment.
7) Trust System reports
a) TLAC, Paula Plant
b) SITFO, Peter Madsen
c) Trust Lands Administration (TLA), Marla Kennedy
d) Protection & Advocacy Office
i) Liz Mumford
(1) Study Group Progress and Updates
(a) Beneficiary Subcommittee
(2) Office Procedures and Protocol Discussion
(3) Purpose Statement: Alignment and Clarifications
ii) Jessie Stuart
(1) FY 2024 Annual Report Summary
(2) SITFO/TLA Nominating Committee: January Kickoff and Timeline
iii) Kim Christy
(1) 2025 Legislative Session
(a) Legislative Outreach
(b) Trust System Session Coordination
(c) Review Performance Measures
(2) Formation of Advocacy Stakeholder and Alumni Network
8) Adjourn
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
In compliance with the Americans with disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations during this meeting should notify Jessie Stuart at (385) 315-1892 three days prior to the meeting date.