Day 1 - Monday, December 2, 2024
1. Breakfast in St. Moritz (Start at 8:00 AM)
2. Open Session - Call the Meeting to Order (Davos - 9:00 AM)
(a) Introductions from Ryan Kulig and Housekeeping Announcements
(b) Warm Up Activity, Bahaa Chmait - JOYMOB
3. What's Next for Capital Allocators? The Total Portfolio Approach, John Bowman, CEO, CAIA (9:45 AM)
4. Break (10:45 AM)
5. Panel: Private Equity Perspectives and Strategic Partners, Chris Keller, Drew Schardt, and Kevin Hitchen (11:00 AM)
6. Lunch in St Moritz (12:00 PM)
7. Bring Meeting Back to Order (Davos - 12:45 PM)
(a) Warm Up Activity, Bahaa Chmait - JOYMOB
8. Asset Allocation/IPS Presentation (1:00 PM)
9. Leave for Networking Activity (2:50 PM)
(a) MoodyBlu Express, Meet at Front Loop of Zermatt Resort
10. Networking Activity - Heber Valley Artisan Cheese (920 River Rd, Midway, UT 84049) (3:00PM)
11. Return to Zermatt Resort & Spa (5:00 PM)
(a) MoodyBlu Express, Meet at Dropoff Location
12. Summit Awards Dinner (Interlaken - 6:00 PM)
(a) Beneficiaries Presentation, Jessie Stuart, Assistant Director, LTPAO
(b) SITLA Overview from Michelle E McConkie, Executive Director, TLA
(c) Friend of the Trust Award Presentation (Kim Christy, Paula Plant, Marlo Oaks)
Day 2 - Tuesday, December 3, 2024
1. Breakfast in St Moritz (Start at 8:00 AM)
2. Open Session - Call the Meeting to Order (Davos - 9:00 AM)
(a) Administrative
(i) Recap and Approval of Minutes from August 6, 2024, SITFO (action item)
(ii) Board Meeting Schedule for FY 26 and FY 27, SITFO
(iii) Elect Vice Chair, Trustees (action item)
(iv) LTPAO Update, LTPAO
(b) Finance Committee Updates (9:20 AM)
(i) Annual Audit Review, SITFO, Auditors
(ii) FY 24 and 25 Trust Budgeting and Expenses, SITFO, Finance Committee
(c) Performance and Risk Reporting (10:20 AM)
(i) Executive Summary, SITFO, RVK
(d) Asset Allocation / IPS Adoption and Approval (10:50 AM), SITFO (action item)
(e) Investment Beliefs Approval, SITFO (action item)
(f) Closing Statement for Public Attendees, Peter Madsen (12:10 PM)
3. Lunch (St Moritz - Start at 12:15 PM)
4. Closed Session (Davos - Start at 12:45 PM) (action item)
(a) Growth Structure Review - As Authorized by Utah Code Section 53D-1-304(6), SITFO, Albourne, RVK
(i) Private Equity Asset Class Structure
(ii) Public Equity Asset Class Structure
(b) Chief Investment Officer Review
(i) As Authorized by Utah Code Section 52-4-205(1)(a), Trustees, CIO
5. Open Session (Start at 3:00 PM)
(a) Adjourn (action item)
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify Jess Rowe at (385) 602-1403.
Notice of Electronic or Telephone Participation
Dec 2, 2024 09:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Topic: SITFO Summit Day 1
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Dec 3, 2024 09:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Topic: SITFO Summit Day 2: Board Meeting Open Session 1
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Dec 3, 2024 03:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Topic: SITFO Summit Day 2: Board Meeting Open Session 2
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