Central Wasatch Commission
Board Meeting
Millcreek City Hall, Council Chambers
1330 E. Chambers Ave., Millcreek UT 84106
Monday, June 3, 2024; 3:15 P.M.
Notice is hereby given that the Central Wasatch Council will hold a Board meeting on Monday, June 3, 2024, beginning at approximately 3:15 P.M. You may attend the meeting at the anchor location: Millcreek City Hall located at 1330 E. Chambers Ave., Millcreek UT 84106. A virtual option is also available. The public may register for the virtual meeting option at the following link, which is specific to the registrant and should not be shared. After registering the registrant will receive an email containing a meeting access link.
Please note: For in-person meeting attendees, masks are no longer required at Millcreek City Hall, but are welcome for any attendees who prefer to continue using them.
Civility and decorum should be applied in all discussion and debate. Difficult questions, tough challenges to a point of view, and criticism of ideas and information are legitimate elements of a free democracy in action. Public officials and the public are encouraged to refrain from making belligerent, personal, impertinent, slanderous, threatening, abusive, or disparaging comments.
3:15 P.M. Opening
1. Chair Jeff Silvestrini will call the meeting to order and welcome Board members and the public.
2. (Action) The Board will consider approving the minutes of the Board meeting on May 6, 2024.
3:15 P.M. Public Hearing for FY 2024/2025 Budget
1. Christopher F. Robinson, Treasurer/Secretary of the Board, will present the CWC's FY 2024/2025 budget.
2. Jeff Silvestrini will open the public hearing as Chair of the Board of the Central Wasatch Commission.
3:25 P.M. Close Public Hearing for FY 2024/2025 Budget
1. Jeff Silvestrini will close the public hearing as Chair of the Board of the Central Wasatch Commission.
3:25 P.M. Staff Updates
1. Youth Council updates.
2. Youth Council / Stakeholders Council social event.
3. Transit Map overview.
4. Ski Bus Priority Access Program recap and Transit Map announcement.
5. Reminder that member contribution invoices will go out in July.
3:30 P.M. UDOT Big Cottonwood Canyon Environmental Assessment
1. A representative from UDOT will introduce and discuss with the Board the Big Cottonwood Canyon Environmental Assessment.
4:00 P.M. Forest Service FLAP Grant Update
1. Dave Whittekiend will give an update on the Millcreek Canyon FLAP project.
4:15 P.M. Executive/Budget/Audit Committee Updates and Discussion
1. Chair Silvestrini will open a discussion about the CWC's ex-officio membership.
2. Chair Silvestrini will discuss the Central Wasatch Symposium and proposed Resolution 2024-13 Approving an Independent Contractor Agreement with Pathway Associates, LLC for Event Management Services.
3. Chair Silvestrini will discuss the renewal of our contract with Casey Hill and proposed Resolution 2024-11 approving it.
4. Chair Silvestrini will discuss a proposed contract with Gilbert & Stewart, CPAs for auditing services and proposed Resolution 2024-17 approving it.
5. Chair Silvestrini will discuss the renewal of the CWC's tri-canyons restroom maintenance contracts with:
a. EcoBrite Services and proposed Resolution 2024-12 approving it.
b. Town of Brighton and proposed Resolution 2024-16 approving it.
c. Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest and proposed Resolution 2024-15 approving it.
d. Salt Lake City Public Utilities will be ready for signature at the August Board meeting.
6. Chair Silvestrini will discuss a proposed change to the CWC Employee Manual and proposed Resolution 2024-18 approving it.
7. Staff will present the CWC's annual Fraud Risk Assessment.
4:45 P.M. Stakeholders Council Discussion
1. Stakeholders Council Chair and Co-Chair John Knoblock and Tom Diegel will discuss with the Board the recent activities of the Stakeholders Council.
a. The Stakeholders Council Retreat was held on May 16, 2024.
b. The Stakeholders Council Chair and Co-Chair will discuss recent leadership and membership changes, including proposed Resolution 2024-14 approving the membership changes.
c. The Chair and Co-Chair will discuss a recommendation advanced from the Stakeholders Council to the Board concerning Phase 1 implementation of the Little Cottonwood Canyon EIS.
5:05 P.M. Public Comment
5:10 P.M. Commissioner Comment
5:15 P.M. Action Items
1. (Action) Consideration of Resolution 2024-10 Adopting a Final Budget for Fiscal Year 2024/2025.
2. (Action) Consideration of Resolution 2024-11 Approving and Ratifying Entry into the Fifth Amendment to an Independent Contractor Agreement with Casey Hill.
3. (Action) Consideration of Resolution 2024-12 Approving and Ratifying Entry into an Amendment to an Independent Contractor Agreement with EcoBrite Services.
4. (Action) Consideration of Resolution 2024-13 Approving an Independent Contractor Agreement with Pathway Associates, LLC for Event Management Services.
5. (Action) Consideration of Resolution 2024-14 Releasing and Appointing Stakeholders Council Members.
6. (Action) Consideration of Resolution 2024-15 Approving an Agreement with United States Forest Service for Joint Funding of Tri-Canyons Restroom Maintenance.
7. (Action) Consideration of Resolution 2024-16 Approving an Amendment to an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Town of Brighton Concerning Tri-Canyon Restroom Maintenance.
8. (Action) Consideration of Resolution 2024-17 Approving and Ratifying Entry into an Independent Contractor Agreement with Gilbert & Stewart, CPAs, for Auditor Services.
9. (Action) Consideration of Resolution 2024-18 Approving Amendments to the CWC Employee Manual.
5:25 P.M. Other Business
5:30 P.M. Closing
1. Chair Silvestrini will call for a motion to adjourn the Board meeting.
At or before 3:15 P.M. on May 31, 2024, the undersigned hereby certifies that the above notice and agenda was:
1. Posted on the Utah Public Notice Website created under UTAH CODE ANN. 63A-16-601;
2. Posted at the meeting's anchor location at 1330 East Chambers Avenue, Millcreek, UT;
3. Posted at the office of the governing body of each member entity of the CWC; and
4. Provided to the Salt Lake Tribune and/or Deseret News and to a local media correspondent.
The audio recording and transcript of the meeting will be posted for public review. Commissioners will/may participate electronically. Meetings may be closed for reasons allowed by statute.
Final action may be taken in relation to any topic listed on the agenda, including but not limited to adoption, rejection, amendment, addition of conditions and variations of options discussed.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations or assistance during this meeting shall notify the CWC at 801.834.5950 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. TDD number is (801) 270-2425 or call Relay Utah at #711.
Sam Kilpack for the Central Wasatch Commission.
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify Samantha Kilpack at (801) 834-5950, 24 hours prior to the meeting.