Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting June 28th, 2023
Notice Subject(s)
, Recreation
Notice Type(s)
Event Start Date & Time
June 28, 2023 06:30 PM
Event End Date & Time
June 28, 2023 08:30 PM
Wed, June 28th, 2023 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
NIBLEY City Hall Building 455 W 3200 S, Nibley, Utah
Workshop Presentation/Staff Reports Topics: Introduced by Chad Wright Recreation Director 6:30-7pm
- Reports/Updates on Parks (Rod Elwood)
- Reports and Update on Recreation programs and events (Chad Wright)
1. Call to Order and Roll Call (President or Acting President)
a. Recognize public officials present.
2. Approval of Minutes and Agenda (President or Acting President)
3. Public Comment Period1 (President or Acting President)
4. Action items review (Stacey Wright)
5. Status update of Community Outreach Survey(s) for the Parks and Recreation Plan Update: (Chad Wright- Intro) (President or Acting President- Lead additional Discussion)
6. Report and insights from Staff and Committee members regarding in person Community Outreach discussions through Heritage Days Events (Chad Wright- Intro) The following are encouraged to share their report and insight (Stacey Wright, Jason Clark, Josh Nelson) (President or Acting President- Lead additional Discussion)
7. Update, discussion, and consideration regarding community outreach for the update to our Parks and Recreation master plan including planned efforts to achieve representative data and connect with all demographics. The Parks and Recreation Committee involvement and support for some of these efforts will also be discussed. (By Chad Wright- Intro) (President or Acting President- Lead Discussion)
8. Feedback and discussion regarding 2023 Heritage Days Events: . (Chad Wright- Intro) (President or Acting President- Lead additional Discussion)
9. Discussion and Consideration of Committee member and friends group recruitment efforts: (By Chad Wright- Intro) (President or Acting President- Lead Discussion)
10. Highlights and summary of Nibley City 2024-2025 Budget for Parks and Recreation (Chad Wright- Intro and highlights) (President or Acting President- Lead Discussion)
11. Discussion and Consideration of community partners and regional plans to address regional Parks and Recreation challenges (Chad Wright- Intro & Possible comments and insight from other staff and elected officials) (President or Acting President- Lead Discussion)
12. Committee member reports: community/public official interaction regarding Parks and Recreation and or other reports. (President or Acting President)
13. Discussion and Consideration of action items, assignments moving forward (President or Acting President)
14. Next meeting will be July 26th (4th Wed)
In compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities will be provided upon request. For assistance, please call (435) 752-0431.
1 Public input is welcomed at all Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Meetings. 15 minutes have been allotted to receive verbal public comment. Verbal comments shall be limited to 3 minutes per person. A sign-up sheet is available at the entrance of the meeting, starting 15 minutes prior to each committee meeting and at the facilitators table for the duration of the public comment period. Commenters shall identify themselves by name and address on the comment form and or verbally for inclusion in the record. Comment will be taken in the order shown on the sign-up sheet. Written comment will also be accepted and entered into the record for the meeting if received prior to the conclusion of the meeting. Comments determined by the presiding officer to be in violation of Committee meeting rules shall be ruled out of order.
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify Chad Wright at 435-752-0431.