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03.08.2023 Planning Commission Agenda

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Toquerville Planning Commission

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03.08.2023 Planning Commission Agenda
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Event Start Date & Time
March 8, 2023 06:00 PM
TOQUERVILLE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA March 8, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. 212 N. Toquer Blvd, Toquerville Utah This meeting will also be broadcast via YouTube live on the Toquerville City YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOn3wYhjwc2gKbc91YPRIAA A. CALL TO ORDER: 1. Call to order by Chairman, Shaun Huntsman 2. Pledge of Allegiance by Commissioner Olsen 3. Disclosures and declaration of conflicts from Commission Members B. AGENDA: 1. Approval of agenda order C. PUBLIC FORUM: Limit three (3) minutes per person; please address the microphone and state full name and address. Please note there will be no response by any city official during this time. For specific questions, please contact city staff directly. D. REPORTS: 1. Planning Chairman, Shaun Huntsman 2. Commissioners 3. Planning and Zoning Administrator, Darrin LeFevre E. BUSINESS ITEM(S): 1. Discussion on a nightly rental application submitted by Mckelly and Sarah Peart. Tax ID #: T-82 Current zoning is Neighborhood Commercial. A. Public Hearing: Public input is sought on a nightly rental application submitted by Mckelly and Sarah Peart. Tax ID #: T-82 Current zoning is Neighborhood Commercial. Limit 3 minutes per person; please speak into the microphone and state full name. B. Possible recommendation to City Council. 2. Discussion on a nightly rental application submitted by Jake and Rachel Peart. Tax ID #: T-TEA-B-8. Current zoning is R-1-20 - Single Family Residential. A. Public Hearing: Public input is sought on a nightly rental application submitted by Jake and Rachel Peart. Tax ID #: T-TEA-B-8. Current zoning is R-1-20 - Single Family Residential. Limit 3 minutes per person; please speak into the microphone and state full name. B. Possible recommendation to City Council. 3. Discussion on a nightly rental application submitted by Cathleen Lee. Tax ID #: T-TEA-B-13. Current zoning is R-1-20 - Single Family Residential. A. Public Hearing: Public input is sought on a nightly rental application submitted by Cathleen Lee. Tax ID #: T-TEA-B-13. Current zoning is R 1-20 - Single Family Residential. B . Possible recommendation to City Council. 4. Discussion on a nightly rental application submitted by Trudy Bisel. Tax ID #: T-141-E1. Current zoning is A-1 - Agriculture. A. Public Hearing: Public input is sought on a nightly rental application submitted by Trudy Bisel. Tax ID #: T-141-E1. Current zoning is A-1 - Agriculture. B. Possible recommendation to City Council. 5. Discussion on Ordinance 2023.XX Home Occupancy Permit. A. Public Hearing: Public input is sought on amending the Home Occupation Permit Ordinance Title 10, Chapter 23 and moving Home Occupancy Licensing to Title 3 of the Toquerville City code. Limit 3 minutes per person; please speak into the microphone and state full name. B. Possible recommendation to City Council. 6. Discussion on Ordinance 2023.XX General Plan Applicability A. Public Hearing: Public input is sought on Ordinance 2023.XX - Amending Title 10, Chapter 7, Section 2. Updating the Consistency Policy to be a stand-alone document. Limit 3 minutes per person; please speak into the microphone and state full name. B. Possible recommendation to City Council. 7. Discussion on Ordinance 2023.XX RV Parks A. Public Hearing: Public input is sought on amending the RV Park Ordinance Title 10, Chapter 29, Section 1 of the Toquerville City Code. Limit 3 minutes per person; please speak into the microphone and state full name. B. Possible recommendation to City Council. 8. Discussion on Ordinance 2023.XX Consolidation of Contiguous Lots and Parcels. A. Public Hearing: Public input is sought on Ordinance 2023.XX - Consolidation of Contiguous Lots and Parcels. Limit 3 minutes per person; please speak into the microphone and state full name. B. Possible recommendation to City Council. 9. Discussion on zone change for application submitted by Bob Lichfield. Tax ID #'s: T-168-E approximately 7.41 acres current zoning is Single Family Residential R-1-20 T-168-B-2-D 28.03 acres current zoning is Single Family Residential R 1-20 T-149-A-4-A 19.60 acres current zoning is Single Family Residential R 1-20 T-149-A-5 12.99 acres current zoning is Single Family residential R-1- 20 T-149-A-3 5.44 acres current zoning is Single Family Residential R-1-20 T-149-A-2-A 10.88 acres current zoning is Single Family Residential R 1-20 T-150-A-2-B-1 5.00 acres current zoning is Single Family Residential R 1-20 T-168-J 9.77 acres current zoning is Single Family Residential R-1-20. Proposed zoning is MU-20. A. Public Hearing: Public input is sought on a zone change application submitted by Bob Lichfield. Tax ID #'s: T-168-E approximately 4.20 acres current zoning is Single Family Residential R-1-20 T-168-B-2-D 28.03 acres current zoning is Single Family Residential R-1-20 T-149-A-4-A 19.60 acres current zoning is Single Family Residential R-1-20 T-149-A-5 12.99 acres current zoning is Single Family residential R-1-20 T-149-A-3 5.44 acres current zoning is Single Family Residential R-1-20 T-149-A-2-A 10.88 acres current zoning is Single Family Residential R-1-20 T-150-A-2-B-1 5.00 acres current zoning is Single Family Residential R-1-20 T-168-J 9.77 acres current zoning is Single Family Residential R-1-20. Proposed zoning is MU-20. Limit 3 minutes per person; please speak into the microphone and state full name. B. Possible recommendation to City Council. F. DISCUSSION ITEM(S): 1. Discussion on Agricultural Acreage Requirement. 2. Discussion on Nightly Rental Ordinance. 3. Discussion on Landscape Ordinance. G. ADJOURN: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify the City Office 435.635.1094, at least 48 hours in advance. This Agenda will be posted on the State website at http://pmn.utah.gov, posted on the Toquerville City website at www.toquerville.org, sent to the Spectrum Newspaper, and at the City Office Building at 212 N Toquer Blvd. Posted March 7, 2023, by Toquerville City Recorder, Daisy Fuentes.
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify Daisy Fuentes at the City Office 635-1094, at least 24 hours in advance.
Notice of Electronic or Telephone Participation

Meeting Information

Meeting Location
212 n toquer blvd
Toquerville, UT 84774
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Contact Name
Emily Teaters
Contact Email

Notice Posting Details

Notice Posted On
March 07, 2023 05:38 PM
Notice Last Edited On
March 08, 2023 10:01 AM

Download Attachments

File Name Category Date Added
PC Agenda 3.8.23.pdf Public Information Handout 2023/03/08 09:54 AM
Nightly Rental Application - Mckelly and Sarah Peart.pdf Public Information Handout 2023/03/08 09:56 AM
300ft Boundary Map - Mckelly and Sarah Peart - NR.pdf Public Information Handout 2023/03/08 09:56 AM
Nightly Rental Application - Jake and Rachel Peart.pdf Public Information Handout 2023/03/08 09:56 AM
Maps - Jake & Rachel Peart.pdf Public Information Handout 2023/03/08 09:57 AM
Nightly Rental Application - Cathleen Lee.pdf Public Information Handout 2023/03/08 09:57 AM
Vicinity Map - Cathleen Lee.pdf Public Information Handout 2023/03/08 09:58 AM
Nightly Rental Application - Trudy Bisel - NR.pdf Public Information Handout 2023/03/08 09:58 AM
300 ft Boundary Map - Trudy Bisel - NR.pdf Public Information Handout 2023/03/08 09:59 AM
Home Occupation Permit Redline.pdf Public Information Handout 2023/03/08 09:59 AM
Ord 2023-XX (10-7-2 General Plan Utilization Policy) 022823 hhs.pdf Public Information Handout 2023/03/08 09:59 AM
Ord 2023-xx (Ch 29 - New RV Resort Standards) 030123 hhs.pdf Public Information Handout 2023/03/08 10:00 AM
Consolidation of Contiguous Lots and Parcels - Redline.pdf Public Information Handout 2023/03/08 10:00 AM
Zone Change Application - Bob Lichfield.pdf Public Information Handout 2023/03/08 10:00 AM
300 ft Boundary Map - Bob Lichfield Zone Change.pdf Public Information Handout 2023/03/08 10:01 AM


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