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Notice of Proposed Annexation - Staheli Payson Addition

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Notice of Proposed Annexation - Staheli Payson Addition
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May 17, 2022 04:30 PM
PAYSON CITY NOTICE OF PROPOSED ANNEXATION STAHELI PAYSON ADDITION ANNEXATION Notice is hereby given by Bill Wright, Payson City Mayor, and the Payson City Council as follows: Petition On April 6, 2022, a petition for annexation was filed in the office of the Payson City Recorder by Nathan Staheli for the purpose of requesting annexation of approximately 24.6 acres located at approximately 675 Goosenest Drive (Utah County) into Payson City. Receipt of Notice of Certification The petition was certified as required by Utah Code Section 10-2-405(2), and the Payson City Council received the Notice of Certification on May 17, 2022. Description of the Property to be Annexed The area proposed for annexation is located at approximately 675 Goosenest Drive (Utah County) as identified on the enclosed map and is more particularly described as follows: A PORTION OF LAND IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 9 SOUTH, RANGE 2 EAST, SALT LAKE BASE AND MERIDIAN; MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE CURRENT CORPORATE LIMITS OF PAYSON CITY LOCATED N 00°45'09' W ALONG THE SECTION LINE A DISTANCE OF 1290.11 FEET AND WEST A DISTANCE OF 730.29 FEET FROM THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 16, T9S., R2E., S.L.B.&M., MORE OR LESS TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING AND RUNNING THENCE N 89°31'43' E 280.48 FEET; THENCE N 00°58'23' W 6.42 FEET; THENCE N 86°51'10' E 58.71 FEET; THENCE N 14°25'11' W 378.87 FEET; THENCE N 79°16'50' E 358.98 FEET; THENCE N 45°45'44' W 310.15 FEET; THENCE N 33°05'37' W 20.69 FEET; THENCE N 01°08'11' W A DISTANCE OF 611.41 FEET MORE OR LESS TO A POINT ON SAID PAYSON CITY CORPORATE LIMITS (ASHLEY ANNEXATION); THENCE ALONG SAID CORPORATE LIMITS THE FOLLOWING 15 (FIFTEEN) COURSES AND DISTANCES; 1) THENCE N 72°23'28' W A DISTANCE OF 68.83 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE EAST MOUNTAIN VIEW STREET ANNEXATION; 2) THENCE S 00°00'00' E 56.13 FEET; 3) THENCE N 76°19'04' W 95.76 FEET; 4) THENCE N 66°21'14' W 55.24 FEET; 5) THENCE N 37°18'52' W 87.66 FEET; 6) THENCE N 48°09'18' W 341.90 FEET; 7) THENCE N 42°20'48' E A DISTANCE OF 49.00 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE EAST MOUNTAIN VIEW ANNEXATION; 8) THENCE N 47°38'55' W 39.90 FEET; 9) THENCE N 42°11'18' E 40.65 FEET; 10) THENCE N 01°57'28' E A DISTANCE OF 244.33 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE ELMER ANNEXATION; 11) THENCE N 87°16'00' W A DISTANCE OF 476.57 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE HAROLD JOHNSON ANNEXATION; 12) THENCE S 17°21'39' E 637.02 FEET; 13) THENCE S 88°08'55' W A DISTANCE OF 56.22 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE GOOSE NEST ANNEXATION; 14) THENCE S 17°04'01' E 1269.31 FEET; 15) THENCE S 35°23'37' E A DISTANCE OF 165.43 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING (+/-)24.603 ACRES OF LAND MORE OR LESS. Inspection and Copy of Petition The complete annexation petition is available for inspection and copying at the City Recorder's Office, 439 W Utah Avenue, Payson, Utah, between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday, excluding holidays. City May Grant Petition and Annex Property Unless Protest Filed The Payson City Council may grant the petition and annex the above-described property unless a written protest to the annexation petition is filed with the Utah County Boundary Commission, and a copy of the protest is delivered to the Payson City Recorder no later than Thursday, June 16, 2022, which is 30 days after the Payson City Council's receipt of the Notice of Certification. Where Protests May Be Filed Protests shall be filed with the Utah County Boundary Commission, ATTN: Kris Poulson, Chair, 100 E Center St. #1100, Provo, UT 84606 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays. A copy of the protest must also be delivered to the Payson City Recorder's Office, 439 W Utah Avenue, Payson, Utah, between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday, except holidays. Who May File Protests A protest to the annexation petition may be filed by the legislative body or governing board of an affected entity, or 'an owner of rural real property' according to UCA 10-2-407. NOTICED ACCORDING TO UTAH CODE 10-2-406 BEGINNING, MAY 17, 2022
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Meeting Information

Meeting Location
439 W Utah Avenue
Payson, UT 84651
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Kim Holindrake
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Notice Posting Details

Notice Posted On
May 17, 2022 04:31 PM
Notice Last Edited On
May 17, 2022 04:31 PM

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File Name Category Date Added
Staheli Payson Addition annexation plat 4-6-2022.pdf Public Information Handout 2022/05/17 04:37 PM


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