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Central Wasatch Commission Organizing Meeting

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Central Wasatch Commission
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Central Wasatch Commission Board

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Notice Title
Central Wasatch Commission Organizing Meeting
Notice Subject(s)
Public Meetings
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Event Start Date & Time
July 17, 2017 04:00 PM
Event End Date & Time
July 17, 2017 06:00 PM
CENTRAL WASATCH COMMISSION ORGANIZING MEETING AGENDA MONDAY, JULY 17, 2017 - 4:00 to 6:00 P.M. SANDY CITY HALL, COMMUNITY ROOM 10000 SOUTH CENTENNIAL PARKWAY, SANDY, UTAH A. CALL TO ORDER a. Fred Finlinson, Organizational Legal Counsel, will conduct the meeting until the Commission appoints Appointed Commissioners, after which the Commission Chair will conduct the remainder of the meeting. b. Pledge of Allegiance B. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT ON THE CENTRAL WASATCH COMMISSION ('CWC') ORGANIZATION - Conducted by Fred Finlinson a. CENTRAL WASATCH COMMISSION INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT with exhibit A: Mt. Accord and B: Project Study Area Map. b. CERTIFICATION OF CWC by Organizing Entities, 3/7/2017 - 5/30/2017 c. NOTICE OF IMPENDING BOUNDARY ACTION, delivered 6/19/2017 d. CERTIFICATE OF CREATION issued by the Lt. Governor, 6/29/2017 e. CERTIFICATION OF CWC COMMISSIONERS by Organizing Entities. i. Salt Lake County: Mayor Ben McAdams ii. Salt Lake County Council At-Large: Councilman Jim Bradley iii. Salt Lake City Corporation: Mayor Jackie Biskupski iv. Sandy City: Mayor Tom Dolan v. Cottonwood Heights: Mayor Kelvyn Cullimore f. INTERLOCAL ASSIGNMENT, ASSUMPTION & CONSENT AGREEMENT, Signed by Cottonwood Heights, Draper City, Metropolitan Water District of Salt Lake & Sandy, Park City, Sandy City, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Summit County, Town of Alta. UDOT, UTA, and WFRC are expected to sign the agreement at the meeting. Requires action as noted below on the part of CWC. C. ELECTION OF OFFICERS - Conducted by Fred Finlinson a. Chair b. Co-Chair c. Secretary d. Treasurer D. APPOINTMENT OF APPOINTED COMMISSIONERS - Conducted by Fred Finlinson a. Representing the Wasatch Back: Andy Beerman, Councilman, Park City b. Representing UDOT: Carlos Braceras, Executive Director, UDOT Appointment is subject to approval of the legislative body of each of the Members and is effective the date of the last legislative body's approval. E. RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ASSIGNMENT, ASSUMPTION AND CONSENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE PHASE II PARTIES AND CENTRAL WASATCH COMMISSION - The ILA Assignment, Assumption and Consent Agreement is part of the meeting information distributed with the Organizing Meeting Agenda, see B.f. above. F. RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACTS FROM WASATCH FRONT REGIONAL COUNCIL TO THE CENTRAL WASATCH COMMISSION - A copy of the WFRC Assignments are part of the meeting information distributed with the Organizing Meeting Agenda. G. DISCUSSION AND ADOPTION OF BYLAWS/ADMINISTRATIVE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR THE CENTRAL WASATCH COMMISSION - A copy of the Central Wasatch Commission Bylaws/Administrative Policy and Procedures Manual is part of the meeting information distributed with the Organizing Meeting Agenda. H. 2017-2018 TENTATIVE BUDGET - A copy of invoices is part of the meeting information distributed with the Organizing Meeting Agenda. a. MOTION AUTHORIZING THE PAYMENT OF CWC ORGANIZATION STARTUP EXPENSES in the amount of $98,423 incurred between January 1, 2017 and July 17, 2017. b. MOTION TO SET THE DATE AND TIME OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ADOPTING THE FY2018 BUDGET. I. DISCUSSION OF CENTRAL WASATCH COMMISSION STAFFING PRIORITIES - Discuss the staffing priorities and procedures for various organizational functions and services, such as: a. Executive Administration or Director b. Communications & Public Outreach c. Legal Services d. Accounting Services e. Independent Auditor f. Government Relations for Utah and the Federal Government g. Environmental Adviser h. Stakeholder Council/Task Force Management i. Other MOTION AUTHORIZING A HIRING & PROCUREMENT COMMITTEE - The CWC Hiring & Procurement Committee, to be made up of representatives from each of the four Organizing Entities, will conduct all aspects of the procurement for Commission services noted above, and make recommendations to the CWC Board regarding procurement of staff functions. J. AUTHORIZATION TO ESTABLISH OPERATIONAL SYSTEMS - The independent contractors and subcontractors (the 'organizing administration') providing organizational start up services through the WFRC Program Management contract will establish operational systems under the direction of the CWC Chair and Co-Chair. Operational systems include, but are not limited to: a. Management Systems: insurance, governance, bylaws, etc. b. Financial Systems: bank account, internal controls, accounting, tracking, reporting, etc. c. Organizational Systems: Communications, website, GRAMA procedures/forms, public engagement, Stakeholder Council, etc. K. AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE INVOICES TO PARTIES SUBJECT TO THE ASSIGNMENT AGREEMENT FOR 2ND YEAR FUNIDNG OBLIGATIONS - The organizing administration is authorized to issue invoices to the Phase II Parties. L. ADOPTION OF THE 2017 MEETING SCHEDULE - The CWC regular meeting schedule through the end of 2017 is: Thursday, September 7, 2017 at 3:00 - 5:00 pm, Location TBD Wednesday, October 18, 2017 at 3:00 - 5:00 pm, Location TBD Monday, December 4, 2017 at 3:00 - 5:00 pm, Location TBD M. STAKEHOLDER COUNCIL - The organizing administration will create an application form and process to facilitate the appointment of Stakeholder Council Members and Officers at a subsequent CWC meeting. This work will be under the direction of the CWC Chair and Co-Chair. N. OTHER BUSINESS O. ADJOURNMENT ANTICIPATED FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Stakeholder Council appointments Project Updates Cottonwood Transportation Study Central Wasatch National Recreation and Conservation Area Bill Environmental Dashboard I-80 Corridor Study Adoption of additional bylaws and policies & procedures Report on Appointed Commissioners Public budget hearing and adoption CERTIFICATE OF POSTING On or before 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 12, 2017, the CWC does hereby certify that the above notice and agenda was 1) posted on the Utah Public Notice Website created under Utah Code Section 63F-1-701 and 2) provided to the Member Entities to post at their respective locations and 3) provided to The Salt Lake Tribune and/or Deseret News and to a local media correspondent. Final action may be taken in relation to any topic listed on the agenda, including but not limited to adoption, rejection, amendment, addition of conditions and variations of options discussed. Members of the Commission may participate electronically. Meetings may be closed for reasons allowed by statute. People with disabilities may make requests for reasonable accommodation, which may include alternate formats, interpreters, and other auxiliary aids and services. Please make requests at least two business days in advance. To make a request, please contact Aimee Baarz, 801-456-1475 or aimee@exoro.com. Accessible parking spaces are available in the east lot of Sandy City Hall and the accessible entrance is on the east side of the building.
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify a representative at the public entity hosting the meeting, five business days prior to the meeting date.
Notice of Electronic or Telephone Participation
As per the commission policies.

Meeting Information

Meeting Location
Sandy City Hall, Multi Purpose Room
10000 South Centennial Parkway, #341
Sandy, 84070
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Contact Name
Mia McNeil
Contact Email

Notice Posting Details

Notice Posted On
July 12, 2017 03:49 PM
Notice Last Edited On
July 13, 2017 12:07 PM

Download Attachments

File Name Category Date Added
CWC Mtg_AUDIO RECORDING_2017 July 17.MP3 Audio Recording 2017/07/19 02:21 PM
7.21.17 CWC Minutes w attachments.pdf Meeting Minutes 2018/01/03 12:17 PM
CWC Regular Meeting Agenda Packet FINAL_2017 July 17.pdf Public Information Handout 2017/07/13 12:19 PM

Board/Committee Contacts

Member Email Phone
Nann Worel nann.worel@parkcity.org (415)615-5000
Jeff Silvestrini jsilvestrini@millcreek.us (801)214-2705
Dann Knopp danknopp@brighton.utah.gov (801)244-0366
Erin Mendenhall erin.mendenhall@slcgov.com (801)535-7704
Chris Robinson cfrobinson@summitcounty.org (801)559-4397
Monica Zoltanski mzoltanski@sandy.utah.gov (801)568-7100
Roger Bourke rbourke@townofalta.com (801)742-3522
Carlton Christensen carlton@rideuta.com (801)743-3882
Annalee Munsey munsey@mwdsls.org (801)942-1391
Michael Weichers mweichers@ch.utah.gov (801)944-7000
David Whittekiend david.whittekiend@usda.gov N/A


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