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Public Notice Website

Division of Archives and Records Service

Entity: Magna Metro Township

Body: Magna Metro Township Council

Subject: Townships
Notice Title: Agenda
Meeting Location: 8952 W Magna Main Street

Magna  UT 
Event Date & Time: March 8, 2022
March 8, 2022 06:00 PM
Meeting Agenda
March 8, 2022
Webster Center
8952 West Magna Main Street
Magna, Utah 84044
PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Magna Metro Township Council will hold a regular meeting on the 8th day of March 2022 at the Webster Center, 8952 West Magna Main Street Magna, Utah as follows:
Portions of the meetings may be closed for reasons allowed by statute. Motions relating to any of the items listed below, including final action, may be taken.
This meeting will be held at the anchor location and electronically for members of the staff and/or public that may not want to attend due to continuing concerns regarding the COVID-19 pandemic or other health reasons. Seating is be limited and restricted to the Council, staff, participants, and limited numbers of the general public. The general public may attend electronically by following the information noted at the end of this agenda. **
1.Discussion / Clarification of Agenda Items
2.Discuss potential changes to the PUD ordinance to create a process to create owner occupied unitsout of multiple dwellings, group dwellings and other development types currently in the municipalcode that allow more than one dwelling within a single structure but lack a means to subdividethose units and meaningful development standards [Brian Tucker, Planner II]
3.Legislative Update [Audrey Wood, Lobbyist and Paul Ashton, Attorney]
3.1 Discuss Internal Accessory Dwelling Units (IADU) requirement for Business License
4.Other Business/Discussion Issues for Future Meetings
5.Close Workshop Meeting
BUSINESS MEETING - (After up to a 10 Minute Break)
1.CALL TO ORDER2.Determine Quorum3.Pledge of Allegiance4.Unified Police Department Report [Chief Del Craig]5.4th of July Update [Kari Duckworth]6.Approval of Minutes6.1 January 25, 20226.2 February 8, 20226.3 February 22, 20227.PUBLIC COMMENTS (Limited to 3 minutes per person)
2 | P a g e w w w . m a g n ame t r o t o w n s h i p . o r g
Any person wishing to comment on any item not otherwise scheduled for public hearing on the agenda may address the Council at this point by stepping to the microphone and giving their name for the record. Comments should be limited to not more than three (3) minutes unless additional time is authorized by the Governing Body.
8.1 Discussion and Public Comments Regarding a Rezone Request of property located at 2645-2651
South 8900 West from R-2-6.5 (Medium Density Residential) to R-M (High-Density Residential) William Ford, Applicant [Molly Gaughran, Planner] ACTION: Consider Approval of Ordinance No. 22-O-03 An Ordinance Amending Title 19, Entitled 'Zoning' of the Magna Metro Township Code of Ordinances, 2001, by Reclassifying Certain Property Located in Magna Metro township from the R-2-6.5 (Medium Density Residential) to R-M (High Density Residential) Zone
** To attend electronically, see below:
Magna Metro Township Council Meetings Tue, Mar 8, 2022 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM (MST) Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone. https://meet.goto.com/228140445 You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (408) 650-3123 Access Code: 228-140-445
Upon request with three (3) working days' notice, the Greater Salt Lake Municipal Services District, in support of the Magna Metro Township, will make reasonable accommodations for participation in the meeting. To request assistance, please call (385) 468-6703 - TTY 711.
A copy of the foregoing agenda was posted at the following locations on the date posted below: Magna Metro Township website at www.magnametrotownship.org and the State Public Notice Website at http://pmn.utah.gov . Pursuant to State Law and Magna Ordinance, Councilmembers may participate electronically. Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. § 52-4-205, Parts of Meetings may be Closed for Reasons Allowed by Statute.
POSTED: March 7, 2022
Notice of Special Accommodations: Upon request with three working days' notice, Salt Lake County will provide free auxiliary aids and services to qualified individuals (including sign language interpreters, alternative formats, etc.) For assistance, please call (385) 468-7130 - TTY 711. The Public May attend. Meetings May Be Closed For Reasons Allowed By Statute.
Notice of Electronic or telephone participation: Pursuant to State Law and Magna Ordinance, Councilmembers may participate electronically
Other information:
Contact Information: Rori Andreason

Posted on: March 07, 2022 01:38 PM
Last edited on: May 05, 2022 03:05 PM

Printed from Utah's Public Notice Website (http://pmn.utah.gov/)