Wallsburg Town Council Monthly Meeting - Revision 1
General Information
- Government Type
- Municipality
- Entity
- Wallsburg
- Public Body
- City Council
Notice Information
- Notice Title
- Wallsburg Town Council Monthly Meeting
- Notice Subject(s)
- Administrative Rules and Procedures
- Notice Type(s)
- Meeting
- Event Start Date & Time
- October 5, 2023 07:00 PM
- Description/Agenda
- WALLSBURG TOWN COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA October 5, 2023 - 7 pm 1. Call to Order Expected 7:00 pm a. Pledge of Allegiance b. Prayer/Inspirational Thought c. Roll Call 2. Consent Calendar: Be it hereby moved that the following consent calendar items stand approved: a. Agenda of the October 5, 2023 Town Council Meeting b. Minutes of the September 7, 2023 Town Council Meeting 3. Approve Budget a. September Budget and check register b. September Budget and check register questions 4. Public Comment (5 minutes): This is the public's opportunity to comment on items that are NOT on the agenda. Please come up to the table, state your name and address before making a comment, and speak loudly to assure comments are recorded properly. 5. Agenda Items: a. Wasatch County Fire and EMS - Information and Discussion Only i. Wasatch County Fire and EMS will present information to the public on the proposed county wide sales tax increase that will be on the voting ballot this year. b. Fee Schedule - Action Item i. Adopt resolution to accept new fee schedule. c. Cemetery Plot Purchase Inquiry - Action Item i. Wallsburg Town resident Mary Piscitelli would like to purchase 10 cemetery plots and would like an exception to be considered to Section 2.16.060 of the current cemetery ordinance and approved by the Town Council. d. Water System Improvement Project Update - Information and Discussion Only i. Discuss status of water system improvement project. e. Fiber Internet Grant Project Update - Information and Discussion Only i. Discuss status of grant project for fiber internet. f. Election Update - Information and Discussion Only i. Write-In Candidate deadline is September 18th, 2023. General Election is November 21st, 2023. g. 100 West Resolution of Acknowledgement - Action Item i. In the interest of Wallsburg Town avoiding unnecessary litigation, the purpose of this resolution is to acknowledge the public status of 100 West. This is an acknowledgement of an existing public road for recording purposes and no changes are being proposed, made, or voted on. 6. Department Reports a. To discuss continued agenda items, assignments i. Buildings (Scott Larsen) v. Water (Clint Allen) ii. Roads (Scott Larsen) vi. Mayor (Celeni Richins) iii. Cemetery (Justin Carlile) vii. Clerk (Alisha O'Driscoll) iv. Park (Terri Eisel) b. Call for Agenda items for October Town Council Work Meeting (Expected October 19, 2023) c. Call for Agenda items for November Town Council Meeting (Expected November 2, 2023) 7. Items Continued To Future Monthly Town Council Meetings a. b. c. d. 8. Adjourn Time:
- Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
- In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify Alisha O'Driscoll at 801-960-8426.
- Notice of Electronic or Telephone Participation
- NA
Meeting Information
- Meeting Location
70 West Main Canyon Road
PO Box 52
Wallsburg, UT 84082
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Notice Posting Details
- Notice Posted On
- October 04, 2023 03:49 PM
- Notice Last Edited On
- October 28, 2023 08:49 AM
Download Attachments
File Name | Category | Date Added |
2023-10-05 Town Council Meeting Agenda.pdf | Other | 2023/10/04 03:49 PM |