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Five County Association of Governments Steering Committee Meeting - Revision 2

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General Information

Government Type
Associations of Government
Five County Association of Governments
Public Body
Steering Committee

Notice Information

Notice Title
Five County Association of Governments Steering Committee Meeting
Notice Subject(s)
Counties , Public Meetings
Notice Type(s)
Event Start Date & Time
November 9, 2022 01:30 PM
A G E N D A STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING FESTIVAL HALL, COMBINED ROOMS 5 and 6, ADDRESS: 105 N. 100 E., CEDAR CITY, UTAH WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2022 1:30 P.M. MST [PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS WILL BE AT THE SAME LOCATION AS THE PREVIOUS MEETING] I. WELCOME BY GARFIELD COUNTY COMMISSIONER JERRY TAYLOR, CHAIR II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Led by Invitation of the Chair) III. MINUTES - OCTOBER 19, 2022 STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING - REVIEW AND APPROVE (Chair) [REQUIRES A MOTION & VOTE] - {2 minutes} IV. CDBG FIRST PUBLIC HEARING FOR APPLICATION BY FCAOG (Cody Christensen, Associate Planner, FCAOG) [CHAIR OPENS & CLOSES THE PUBLIC HEARING] - {5 minutes} V. ANNUAL BOARD TRAINING - OPEN MEETINGS/ETHICS (Johnnie Miller CEO, Utah Counties Indemnity Pool) - {20 minutes} VI. SHAPE UTAH'S FUTURE -VISIONING (Discussion with Laura Hanson and Representatives of Utah Governor's Office of Planning and Budget:) - {1.5 hours} VII. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICE (Glade Nielson and Karen Peterson, Sunrise Engineering) - {10 minutes} VIII. CONGRESSIONAL STAFF UPDATES - {5 minutes} IX. STATE AGENCY UPDATES - {5 minutes} X. UNIVERSITY UPDATES - {5 minutes} XI. LOCAL AFFAIRS DISCUSSION - {5 minutes} XII. ADJOURN [CHAIR'S PEROGATIVE TO CALL THE MEETING ADJOURNED] Equal Opportunity Employer/Program: Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities by calling Jen Wong, Human Resources Director, (435)673-3548 ext. 127. Individuals with speech and/or hearing impairments may call Relay Utah by dialing 711. For Spanish Relay Utah call: 1(888)346-3162.
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
Equal Opportunity Employer/Program: Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities by calling Jen Wong, Human Resources Director, (435)673-3548 ext. 127. Individuals with speech and/or hearing impairments may call Relay Utah by dialing 711. For Spanish Relay Utah call: 1(888)346-31
Notice of Electronic or Telephone Participation
ZOOM MEETING INFORMATION Board Members and presenters may utilize the link to participate in the meeting. Members of the public participating in the CDBG Public Hearing portion for Agenda Item # IV, may utilize the ZOOM video conference in order to participate. Here is the ZOOM meeting information: Topic: Steering Committee Time: Wednesday, November 9, 2022 at 1:30 PM MST Join ZOOM meeting via direct link: https://zoom.us/j/98697043631?pwd=MWlVYStsd0dDdlpQQUE3NzkyZW5IUT09 If joining from the Zoom app you may use the following: Meeting ID: 986 9704 3631 Passcode: 12345 Any member of the public that desires to participate in the First Public Hearing for the Community Development Block Grant application by the Five County Association of Governments is welcome to participate 'online' using the ZOOM meeting link provided, or may participate 'in-person' at the meeting location in Cedar City.

Meeting Information

Meeting Location
105 N. 100 E.
Cedar City, UT 84720
Show in Apple Maps Show in Google Maps
Contact Name
Bryan Thiriot
Contact Email

Notice Posting Details

Notice Posted On
October 31, 2022 09:10 AM
Notice Last Edited On
January 17, 2023 03:22 PM

Download Attachments

File Name Category Date Added
COMPLETE STEERING PACKET WITH PAGE NUMBERS.pdf Public Information Handout 2022/10/31 09:06 AM

Board/Committee Contacts

Member Email Phone
Nolan Davis ndavisfiredist2@hotmail.com N/A
Wade Hollingshead whollingshead@beaver.utah.gov N/A
Tyler Fails tyler.fails@beaver.k12.ut.us N/A
Melani Torgersen mtorgersen@escalantecity.com N/A
Jerry Taylor jerry.taylor@garfield.utah.gov N/A
Lyle Goulding mayor@townoforderville.com N/A
Nanette Billings billings@cityofhurricane.com N/A
Curtis Barney curtis.barney@garfk12.org N/A
Garth Green garthg@cedarcity.org N/A
Paul Cozzens pcozzens@ironcounty.net N/A
Lisa Livingston livingstonl@kane.k12.ut.us N/A
Celeste Meyeres cmeyeres@kane.utah.gov N/A
Gil Almquist gil.almquist@washco.utah.gov N/A
Terry Hutchinson terry.hutchinson@washk12.org N/A
Henrie Walton henrie.walton@utahtech.edu N/A
Stephanie Hill stephanie.hill@ironmail.org N/A

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