Board of Commissioners - Revision 3
General Information
- Government Type
- County
- Entity
- Washington County
- Public Body
- County Commission
Notice Information
- Notice Title
- Board of Commissioners
- Notice Subject(s)
- County Government
- Notice Type(s)
- Meeting
- Event Start Date & Time
- August 15, 2023 04:00 PM
- Description/Agenda
- NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, ST. GEORGE, UTAH PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Washington County, in St. George, Utah will hold a regular public meeting in the WASHINGTON COUNTY COMMISSION CHAMBERS, and via Zoom in the WASHINGTON COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, 111 EAST TABERNACLE, ST. GEORGE, UTAH commencing at 4:00 PM on AUGUST 15, 2023. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 892 5928 2823 Passcode: 755662 INVOCATION BY: Carole Drake, Saint George Catholic Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE LED BY: TBD CONSENT AGENDA The consent agenda is a means of expediting the consideration of routine matters. If a commissioner requests that items be removed from the consent agenda, those items are placed at the beginning of the regular agenda. Other than requests to remove items, a motion to approve the items on the consent agenda is not debatable. a. Consideration of Auditor-Approved Claims for Payment for August 2, 2023 through August 15, 2023 b. Consideration of Regular Commission Meeting Minutes of August 1, 2023 c. Consideration of Administrative Adjustments: Real Property d. Consideration of Administrative Adjustments: Personal Property e. Consideration of Application(s) for Property Tax Abatement (1) f. Acknowledgment of Publishing: Notice of Adoption of Ordinance No. 2023-1236-O, Published on Sunday, July 23, 2023 g. Consideration of Approval of Pine Valley Ranchos, Unit A, Block B Partial Amendment A, Vacating an Easement and Combining Lots PVRA-B-12 & 13 h. Consideration of Approval of a Partial Amended Plat for Pine Valley Ranchos Subdivision Vacating an Easement and Adjusting the Lot Line between Lots PVR-A-G-30 & 31 i. Consideration of Surplus of County Furniture and Supplies to Government Agencies and Sale of Remainder to Community j. Consideration of Interlocal Agreement with St. George City Regarding 2023 Byrne Justice Assistance Grant k. Consideration of Cooperative Agreement Renewal Between Washington County and the Utah Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION: 1. Presentation: Recognition of Deputy County Attorney Eric Gentry's Appointment to be a Utah District Court Judge 2. Presentation: Employee Longevity Awards 3. Emergency Services Report / Washington County Sheriff's Office 4. Consideration of Purchase Requests 5. Consideration of Ordinance No. 2023-1237-O, An Ordinance Rezoning a Certain Portion of Washington County Located at Approximately 1800 West 3600 North on Kolob from the OSC-20 Zone (Open Space Conservation 20 Acre Minimum Lot Size), to the OST-20 Zone (Open Space Transition 20 Acre Minimum Lot Size), Hereinafter Fully Described in This Ordinance (Applicant Ken Graff) 6. Consideration of Ordinance No. 2023-1238-O, An Ordinance Approving Vacation of a Portion of the Original Rex Layne Road, a Platted Right of Way in Washington County, Utah 7. Consideration of Approval of an Amended Plat for the Dixie Deer Estates Subdivision 8. Consideration of Resolution No. R-2023-3164, A Resolution Approving a Professional Service Agreement for Engineering Analysis to Determine Locations for Tortoise Crossings Under Cottonwood Road in the Red Cliffs Desert Reserve 9. Consideration of Resolution No. R-2023-3165, A Resolution Approving the Execution of Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Hurricane City Regarding an Official Ballot Drop Box to Enhance the Safety and Security of Ballots and Elections 10. Consideration of Resolution No. R-2023-3166, A Resolution Approving a Contract for Case Management Software at Washington County Court Support Services 11. Consideration of Resolution No. R-2023-3168, A Resolution Closing the County Administration Building For a Half Day on September 14, 2023 to Allow for the Official Building Dedication Public Comment (10 people maximum; one (1) comment per person at a maximum of two (2) minutes per comment. You must be present in person or via Zoom; no comments will be taken on behalf of others ) 1. Ed Tracey - Economic Development 2. Shalynn Wilson - Handcounting/Elections 3. Jordan Hess - Dixie Tech 4. Jordan Rushton - Dixie Tech 5. Isaac Barlow - Tech Ridge 6. Wendy Godlewski - Vote Against Taxes, Public Notices, Elections 7. Ron Whitehead - Roads 8. Mary Kaye Welch - Integrity of Our Elected Officials 9. Shaun Christensen - St. George Chamber of Commerce 10. Brad Buhanan - Tech Ridge Meetings are re-broadcast daily on TDS Cable Channels 22 & 108(HD) at 10am, 2pm, and 5:30pm. They are also available on demand at To be provided to The Spectrum on Monday, August 14, 2023 Sarah Lloyd, Deputy Washington County Clerk REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION: Washington County will make efforts to provide reasonable accommodations to disabled members of the public in accessing County programs. Please contact the Washington County Commission Office at 435-301-7000, in advance, if you have special needs.
- Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
- Washington County will make efforts to provide reasonable accommodations to disabled members of the public in accessing county programs. Please contact the Washington County Commission Office at 435.301.7000 in advance if you have special needs.
- Notice of Electronic or Telephone Participation
- NA
Meeting Information
- Meeting Location
111 East Tabernacle
St. George, UT 84770
Show in Apple Maps Show in Google Maps - Contact Name
- Nicholle Felshaw
- Contact Email
- Contact Phone
- (435)634-5700
Notice Posting Details
- Notice Posted On
- August 14, 2023 02:59 PM
- Notice Last Edited On
- September 06, 2023 11:37 AM
Download Attachments
File Name | Category | Date Added |
08-15-23 Commission.MP3 | Audio Recording | 2023/08/16 09:57 AM |