January 16, 2025 - 7:00PM
1. Call to Order
a. Roll Call
2. Agenda Items:
a. CDBG Application Discussion - Information and Discussion Only
i. Troy Ostler with Civco Engineering will discuss the progress of the CDBG application for Wallsburg Town.
b. WattSmart Program - Information and Discussion Only
i. Federico Kahnlein with Rocky Mtn Power will discuss the Town Hall lighting upgrades rebate options.
c. Fiber Internet Grant - Information and Discussion Only
i. Mike Simmons with Utah Broadband will discuss the progress of the grant for Wallsburg fiber internet.
d. Procurement Policy Draft - Information and Discussion Only
i. Review Procurement Policy drafted by MAG's LAA program for consideration to be adopted in February.
e. Elected Official and Employee Rental Benefits - Information and Discussion Only
i. Discuss Town Hall and Park rental benefits for consideration to be adopted in February.
f. Cemetery Right of Way Discussion - Information and Discussion Only
i. Discuss Cemetery Right of Way
3. Department Reports
a. To discuss continued agenda items, assignments
i. Buildings (Scott Larsen) v. Water (Troy Thompson)
ii. Roads (Scott Larsen) vi. Mayor (Celeni Richins)
iii. Cemetery (Mary Piscitelli) vii. Clerk (Alisha O'Driscoll)
iv. Park (Terri Eisel)
4. Call For Agenda Items:
a. Call for Agenda items for February Town Council Meeting (Expected February 6, 2025)
b. Call for Agenda items for February Work Meeting (Expected February 20, 2025)
5. Adjourn Work Meeting
CLOSED SESSION to discuss personnel
Call to Order
Roll Call:
Adjourn Closed Session
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify Alisha O'Driscoll at 801-960-8426.