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Planning and Zoning Commission

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Notice Title
Planning and Zoning Minutes
Notice Subject(s)
Administrative Procedure
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Event Start Date & Time
January 2, 2025 07:00 PM
Event End Date & Time
January 2, 2025 08:42 PM
Event Deadline Date & Time
12/29/24 12:00 PM
Amalga Planning and Zoning Minutes January 2, 2025 7:00 PM 6590 N 2400 W Amalga, Utah Visitors: Charlie Erickson, Jake Erickson, Ed Dursteler, Richard Sanders, Sam Cowley, Penny Cowley, Mark Cowley, Reed Bentley Commission Members: Judy Downs, Chair, April Hansen, Mike Diehl, April Hansen, Dave Lee, Secretary/Town Board This meeting started as a Public Hearing regarding two items: The Commission will consider a re-zone of Parcel Number 13-040-0002 at approximately 3000 W Hwy 218, from Agriculture and Residential Agriculture to the Light Industrial Zone. The Commission will also consider Local Land Use and Development Revisions required by the State and prepared by Sunrise Engineering, and Daniel Jensen. These revisions will be included in the Town Code if approved. 1. Roll Call 2. Three individuals had comments for the Commission. Charlie Erickson described what he wanted to do with the property that he wants to re-zone. He will be selling some lumber out of the yard. The biggest concern seems to be with traffic, Getting trucks safely on and off the road. That is mainly a concern between him and UDOT as the road is a State Hwy. Mark Cowley was concerned with the road. Heavy loads pulling off and on the road could break down the edge of the road. Charlie has reached out to UDOT but has received not re- sponse from them. Charlie said that the trucks will be able to exit the highway before opening the gate. Reed Bentley stressed that the opening to the area be wide enough so that the trucks would not be jack-knifed on the highway turning in. The road issue should be addressed by UDOT. Fee for Public Hearing was paid. The Commission reviewed the Local Land Use and Development Revisions required by the State prepared by Daniel Jensen. The state required these updates and paid for the work. The Commission discussed the process. This process streamlines the process for paperwork between contractors and the cities land development group. Dave Lee explained the reason behind this, and the basic process. This was a mandated from the State. Public Hearing concluded at 7:30. 1. Motion to Approve minutes of December 4, 2024, was made by Mike Diehl with one correction to Item 8. 'There are people coming 'and' going ' Second-Kelly Noble Motion Carried 2. Discussion with Richard Sanders on possible code violation. Richard explained to us that the situation with his apartment for his daughter was approved by Planning and Zoning back in 2002. Kelly said that his dad, Alan, was on the board and that Richard's plan for the building was approved. There was a lengthy discussion about this. It was decided that before any real resolution could be made, further research needs to be done to find out what, and when the P&Z did when it was presented initially. The problem is that this is a detached dwelling and our code only allows 1 residence per lot. Richard also has a disabled son living there also. A possible amendment was discussed. Commission was concerned about long term consequences of an amendment. Secretary will try and find the original minutes and approval. Motion to table-Mike Diehl Second-Judy Downs Motion Carried 3. Discussion and motion on items from the Public Hearing was considered. The Commission's big concern is the entrance and exit to the property. Mr. Erickson will need a Business License, and at that time we would need some definitive paperwork as to what UDOT will be requiring, if anything, on the State road. Motion to Approve the rezone Parcel Number 13-040-0002, at approximately 3000 W Hwy 218 from AG and RES-AG to the LIGHT INDUSTRIAL ZONE and recommend it to the Town Board-Judy Downs Second-April Hansen Motion Carried Discussion on the Local Land Use and Development Revisions required by the State and prepared by Daniel Jensen. Motion to Approve the Revisions and recommend them to the Town Board-Judy Downs Second- Kelly Noble Motion Carried These two items will be presented to the Town Board at their next meeting as recommended by Planning and Zoning. 4. Discussion about possible violations of Town Code. The travel trailer at Enrique Arenas at 2300 W 6550 N, Amalga, is still being used as a residence. There is video and pictures of people entering and lights on in the trailer at night. Judy contacted Enrique Jr. about this and he did not deny it. She told him that they need to be out ASAP. This was also discussed with Enrique Sr. He said his father, Enrique, Sr. believes he should be able to do what he wants with his property. Judy told them that they probably had an illegal power hookup. Judy told him the next step will be the sheriff. He will be dealing with the court at the next stage. He will be served with a violation of Town Code. He would then have to appear before the court, the court would assess charges. Enrique Jr. said he would contact Judy after having spoken with his father. Discussion about Perry living in a trailer at 7920 N 2400 W. His granddaughter lives in the home. He uses the facilities in the home. Further information is needed on this situation. Dave Lee said he would check with the granddaughter and get what information he can. Mike Diehl is concerned about confronting individuals involved in violations as a safety issue. All of those involved in recent violations were contacted with Certified Mail, except for the situation at 7920 N 2400 W. Each member of the Commission received a copy of the Enforcement and Penalties prepared by Seth Tait, Town Attorney for us. Currently our Chapter 6, ZONING ADMISTRATION and ENFORCEMENT is out dated. Seth sent us a copy of an updated process. This will need to be examined by the Commission and action, if any, taken at a later date. Motion to Adjourn-April Hansen Second-Kelly Noble Motion Carried Meeting Adjourned at 8:43 PM *MINUTES ARE NOT OFFICIAL UNTIL APPROVED*
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In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify Dave Lee@435-881-0552.
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Meeting Information

Meeting Location
6590 N 2400 W
Amalga, UT, UT 84335
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Notice Posting Details

Notice Posted On
January 03, 2025 02:27 PM
Notice Last Edited On
January 03, 2025 02:27 PM
Deadline Date
December 29, 2024 12:00 PM


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