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Amalga Planning and Zoning Minutes

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Planning and Zoning Commission

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Notice Title
Amalga Planning and Zoning Minutes
Notice Subject(s)
Administrative Procedure
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Event Start Date & Time
October 2, 2024 07:00 PM
Event End Date & Time
October 6, 2024 08:00 PM
Event Deadline Date & Time
09/29/24 12:00 PM
Amalga Planning and Zoning Minutes October 2, 2024 7:00 PM 6590 N 2400 W Amalga, Utah Visitors: Mayor Dave Wood, Vic Bingham, Dave Jenson, Mr. and Mrs. Enrique Arenas Commission Members: Judy Downs, Acting Chair, April Hansen, Kelly Noble, Mike Diehl, Dave Lee, Secretary/Town Board. 1. Minutes of September 4, 2024, were read by Mike Diehl. Motion to Approve-Kelly Noble Second-April Hansen Motion Carried It was discussed that in the future, minutes would not be read at the meeting. Members receive a copy of the minutes previous to the meeting, and minutes of meetings are available on the Utah Public Website. If any corrections are noted, these could be addressed at the meeting and corrected. This would save time at the monthly meeting. 2. Dave Jenson-Violation of Town Code 3.16.2. 3.16.2 Ownership of the Residential Dwelling. The primary residential dwelling of any single-family home containing an accessory apartment must be occupied by the owner of the home. If the primary dwelling has been rented, leased, or loaned to another single family, or other legally authorized tenant under this code, then the accessory apartment may not be independently rented or leased. Dave informed the Commission that the second family at 7310 N 2400 W has moved out, and no other family will be moving in. The Commission considers this situation resolved. 3. Enrique Arenas-Violation of Town Code 7.2.6 Number of Dwellings Per Lot Not more than one single-family dwelling may be placed on a lot in the RA - zone. A single attached accessory apartment may be allowed. Enrique Arenas resides at 2300 W 6550 N. He has a travel trailer in his backyard that had been reported as being used as a full time residence. Mr. Arenas said that the trailer was not being used as a residence, only temporarily when he had company. He stated that the trailer was not hooked up to his septic system, and that he had occasionally moved it to empty the waste tank. He also said that he plans on moving the trailer within a couple of months. The Commission will follow up on this situation. If it finds a different situation is occurring, a fine will be issued until the problem is rectified. Mr. Arenas was also interested in adding on to his existing residence. The Commission happy to give him assistance and help if needed in planning this project. 4. Following up on the Public Hearing of David Wood to change to the code from requiring four years between subdivides of property to two years for the second division the Commission discussed this and took a vote: Kelly Noble was in favor of the change for four years to two years Mike Diehl, April Hansen, and Judy Downs were not in favor of the change of four years to two years. Planning and Zoning will notify the Town Board at their next meeting on October 9, that they do not recommend the change from four years to two years. Motion to Adjourn-Kelly Noble Second-Mike Diehl Motion Carried Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM *MINUTES ARE NOT OFFICIAL UNTIL APPROVED
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify Dave Lee@435-881-0552.
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Meeting Information

Meeting Location
6590 N 2400 W
Amalga, UT 84335
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Notice Posting Details

Notice Posted On
October 06, 2024 07:53 PM
Notice Last Edited On
October 06, 2024 07:53 PM
Deadline Date
September 29, 2024 12:00 PM


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