PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the City Council of SOUTH WEBER CITY, Utah, will meet in a regular public meeting commencing at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 27, 2024, in the Council Chambers at 1600 E. South Weber Dr.
OPEN (Agenda items may be moved to meet the needs of the Council.)
1. Pledge of Allegiance: Councilman Winsor
2. Prayer: Mayor Westbroek
3. Public Comment: Please respectfully follow these guidelines.
a. Individuals may speak once for 3 minutes or less: Do not remark from the audience.
b. State your name & city and direct comments to the entire Council (They will not respond).
4. Country Fair Days Committee Recognition
5. Employee Recognition
6. Consent Agenda
a. July 9 Minutes
b. July 23 Minutes
c. July Checks
7. Resolution 24-25: Tax Year 2024 Certified Property Tax Rate of 0.001441
8. Resolution 24-26: Adopt Fiscal Year 2025 Final Budget
9. Public Hearing on South Weber Gateway Development Agreement Third Amendment
10. Resolution 24-27: South Weber Gateway Development Agreement Third Amendment
11. Public Hearing to Declare Playground Equipment as Surplus
12. Resolution 24-28: Declaring Playground Equipment as Surplus
13. Playground Equipment Purchase for Cedar Cove Park
14. Real Estate Purchase Contract from South Weber, LLC (General RV) Amendment #2
15. Resolution 24-29: Appoint David Larson as Emergency Manager
16. New Business
17. Council & Staff
CLOSED SESSION held pursuant to the provision of UCA section 52-4-205 (1)(e)
18. Discuss the Sale of Real Property
19. Adjourn
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations during this public meeting should notify the City Recorder at 801-479-3177.