Amalga Town Council
Wednesday August 14, 2024, at 7 p.m.
at the Amalga town hall at
6590 N 2400 W AMALGA, UTAH
Agenda as follows:
1. Welcome / Pledge of allegiance. Paul Hansen
2. Roll Call: David Wood Mayor, Paul Hansen Council Member, Dave Lee Council Member, Mark Cowley Council Member, Shantrell Ritter Clerk, Judy Downs, Deputy Kevin Schaaf
3. Approve Minutes from July 10th, 2024, meeting.
a. Motion to Approve: Dave Lee
b. 2nd: Mark Cowley
4. Sheriff's Report
a. Responded 13 Law incidents
b. 4 traffic violations
c. 1 warning
d. Fromm July 21- August 1 Undercover radar placed around 6500 N 2400 W
i. Total vehicles 13,268 Vehicles
ii. Average speed is 36.27 MPH
iii. 85% speed is 44.4 MPH
iv. Will be moving the radar around town to gauge other parts of the town
v. Will email report to town email
5. Review town celebration report.
a. Breakfast went well. Will probably do French toast again.
b. Once bingo was over everyone left then had to cancel fire truck.
c. Not a lot of community interaction suggestions for next year for dinner have something more reasonably priced so more people will come together.
d. Jordan and Shalee Hansen will be in charge next year.
e. Rayslyn report
i. My comments for a report on the celebration would be-
ii. I think it was very successful to do breakfast later. We had more attendance than in past years that I have seen.
iii. Badgers is under new ownership and was a nightmare to work with this year. I would consider looking at other options for next year.
iv. The Food truck was super convenient, and I think the town enjoyed it as well
v. I would look at ways to encourage and get more help with planning. We had a team of 4 of us and it was still a lot to take on
vi. Figure out how to give the person in charge a card or something so the people helping don't have to buy everything up front and wait for reimbursement
vii. Thanks for trusting me to be a part of our town event! I really enjoyed doing it!
Council Reports
f. Paul Hansen
i. Has had the sprinklers readjusted so hopefully
ii. Still needs to fix the lights
iii. Need to get the RAPZ tax for next year turned in for the restrooms
iv. New Tables in town hall
v. Will check with youth council to see what they will be doing for the fall
g. Mark Cowley,
i. Pump 4 from Glenns electric
ii. Pump 2 keeps going out every time we have a storm having Matt Turner coming out to look at it
iii. May need to track water table
h. Dave Lee
i. A Public Hearing was convened to receive input on a proposed Amendment to Section 7.1.15, Distance Between Buildings in the Agricultural Zone of the Amalga Town Code. This amendment make the wording the same between the Agricultural Zone, and the Residential-Agricultural Zone. The wording does not actually appear in the Mixed Use Zone, however, section 7.3.5 refers the user back to sections 7.2.4 through 7.2.14 of the Residential-Agricultural Zone.
ii. This change, if approved, would allow buildings, structures, or enclosures housing animals or fowls(except domestic pets) to be located within 50 feet of a dwelling on the same lot. Distance from a dwelling on an adjacent lot would still be 100 feet
iii. 2. Zoning Clearance Application was received from Stuart Denny for a home at approximately 3170 W 5400 N. Form was reviewed, set backs were approved.
iv. 3. David Wood filed a Petition for Zone Change or Code Amendment. This amendment would affect two areas of the Town Code:
a. Amalga Town Code 2.99 a. Minor Subdivision
b. Amalga Subdivision Ordinance l-8 Definitions, Minor Subdivision A., B.
v. The proposed amendment would change the required waiting time before allowing a second division of property from four (4) years to (2) years.
vi. Discussion on the letter Planning and Zoning was sent out to 4 individuals initially. There are 8 individuals in total that may possibly violating the town code. May be more.
vii. Syd Munk wanted to talk about putting in a scale to weigh trucks bringing crops and product onto the farm. The area he is considering is in front of another building. The building is set back the required 30 feet from the road, but it is not clear weather this is allowed will be contacting town attorney for more input. There was also some discussion about the milk barn that he has converted into an apartment which houses a farm worker. These items were not on the agenda, no action was taken.
viii. Whenever Schreiber's does any remodeling they never submit a zoning clearance. They need to start bringing that in.
6. Review and vote on recommendation from Planning and Zoning to amend Section 7.1.15 Distance Between Buildings of the Town Code to read the same as Section 7.2.14 Distance Between Buildings.
a. Motion to Approve Dave Lee
b. 2nd Paul Hansen
7. Mayor's report
a. Problems having problems with #2 pump it keeps switching off.
b. Talked to guys marking in gas lines. The power company will be abandoning the lines in the river bottom and bring it around the corner.
c. Bill from Parsens for road for 192,000 need a breakdown to present it to the COG
d. Got a estimate for well #4 Schreiber's said they will pay half of it. Total is 46,337.21
8. Cash Disbursement
a. Motion to approve Paul Hansen
b. 2nd Mark Cowley
9. Items for September Council Meeting
10. Adjournment
a. Motion to Adjourn Dave Lee
b. 2nd Paul Hansen
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify David Lee @435-881-0552.