Amalga Town Council
Wednesday July 10, 2024, at 6:45 p.m.
at the Amalga town hall at
6590 N 2400 W AMALGA, UTAH
Agenda as follows:
1. Open Public hearing for 2024 COG proposal of the 3200 W. 5200 N. to 2700 W. to 5800 N. Chip & Seal Street Improvement Project.
a. The total project would be 154000 Our portion would be 10780
b. Will be presented in August and then in September mayors will vote on how to distribute 910000
2. Close public hearing
a. Motion by Dave Wood
b. 2nd Dave Lee
3. Welcome / Pledge of allegiance.
4. Roll Call- David Wood Mayor, Dave Lee Council Member, , Colette Dursteler Council Member, Paul Hansen Council Member, Mark Cowley Council Member, Shantrell Ritter Clerk, Judy Downs public
5. Approval of the 2024 COG proposal.
a. Motion to approve Dave Lee
b. 2nd Colette Dursteler
6. Approve Minutes from June 12th, 2024, meeting.
a. Motion to Approve Paul Hansen
b. 2nd Colette Dursteler
7. Sheriff's Report was not one to report on
8. Pioneer Day Celebration Report
a. Breakfast - Ham, Eggs, Potatoes, French toast, 4 kinds of syrup, chocolate milk, milk, juice Council members be there at 7:30
b. $900 in donations
9. Approve speed limit for town roads
a. Change 30MPH from bridge to intersection, Keep the rest of the town at 40MPH, Increase the signage and enforcement.
i. Motion to approve Dave Lee
ii. 2nd Dave Wood
b. Bigger issue on south end is the noise from the truck
c. More important to enforce it than lower it.
d. Judy Downs wants a sign that says no J brakes on the south end of town.
e. Most of the complaints from concerning the trucks are in connection with the temple site and new construction around the temple.
f. Need engine brake signs by bridge, and north end and in middle of town.
g. Mayor will ask Schreiber's how they control Engine brakes.
h. Increase the signage and enforcement.
10. Review citizen and beautification awards
a. Waiting for input from towns people
11. Council reports:
a. Paul Hansen,
i. Still need to fix light.
ii. Painted the parking spots
iii. Haven't heard back from the guy for the Rapz stuff
b. Dave Lee,
i. Planning and zoning discussed with Wilsons about getting a shed for animals
ii. Dave Wood applied for the subdivision of property. Was approved.
iii. Mike Diehl Has filed a zone clearance change. Public hearing will be on August 7th
iv. Letter has been approved to send to those in violation of ordinances
v. New owners went ahead and subdivided the Jorgenson property without permission from Planning and Zoning contacting lawyer.
vi. K and G enterprises put a culvert in without any permission on 5800 N
c. Colette Dursteler, Reported on
i. Town Celebration ( see previous notes)
d. Mark Cowley
i. Need key for the wells to do the testing
ii. Do we have a plumber for the city? Currently it's Craig Peterson at Craig's Quality Plumbing.
iii. Dustin Bingham's meter is leaking on our side of the meter waiting for Craig Peterson to replace it.
iv. Will have a sanitation survey in August
12. Mayor's report
a. Mosquito spraying twice a week
b. Glenn Electric going to put a pump in well #4 $42000
c. Schreiber's will send fireworks money
d. The road is finished today and in a couple of weeks they will paint stripes.
13. Cash Disbursement
a. Motion to approve Paul Hansen
b. 2nd Dave Lee
14. Items for August Council Meeting
a. Report on the celebration
15. Adjournment
a. Motion to adjourn Dave Lee
b. 2nd Mark Cowley
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify David Lee @435-881-0552.