Amalga Planning and Zoning Minutes
7:00 PM
6590 N 2400 W
Amalga, Utah
Visitors: Mayor David Wood, Vic Bingham, Stuart Denney, Syd Munk, Braden Munk
A Public Hearing was convened to receive input on a proposed Amendment to Section 7.1.15, Distance Between Buildings in the Agricultural Zone of the Amalga Town Code. This amendment make the wording the same between the Agricultural Zone, and the Residential-Agricultural Zone. The wording does not actually appear in the Mixed Use Zone, however, section 7.3.5 refers the user back to sections 7.2.4 through 7.2.14 of the Residential-Agricultural Zone.
This change, if approved, would allow buildings, structures, or enclosures housing animals or fowls(except domestic pets) to be located within 50 feet of a dwelling on the same lot. Distance from a dwelling on an adjacent lot would still be 100 feet
Comments were received from Vic Bingham and Mike Diehl as to their support for this amendment.
Motion to close the Public Hearing-Judy Downs
Second-Mike Diehl
Motion Carried
The regular Planning and Zoning Meeting was convened at 7:10 PM.
Visitors: Mayor David Wood, Stuart Denney, Syd Munk, Braden Munk
1. Minutes of July 3, 2024, read by Judy Downs.
Motion to Approve-Mike Diehl
Second-April Hansen
Motion Carried
2. Zoning Clearance Application was received from Stuart Denny for a home at approximately 3170 W 5400 N. Form was reviewed, set backs were approved.
Motion to Approve the Zoning Clearance-Judy Downs
Second-April Hansen
Motion Carried
3. David Wood filed a Petition for Zone Change or Code Amendment. This amendment would affect two areas of the Town Code:
a. Amalga Town Code 2.99 a. Minor Subdivision
b. Amalga Subdivision Ordinance l-8 Definitions, Minor Subdivision A., B.
The proposed amendment would change the required waiting time before allowing a second division of property from four (4) years to (2) years.
Motion to Accept the Application-Jason Munk
Second-Mike Diehl
Motion Carried
4. Review of the amendment presented in the Public Hearing.
Motion to Approve the Amendment to Section 7.1.15 of the Amalga Town Code-April Hansen
Second-Judy Downs
Motion Carried
Mike Diehl recused himself from voting on this item.
5. Discussion on the letter Planning and Zoning is sending out to those individuals that may possibly violating the town code.
There were eight individuals to be included on the list to receive letters. There may be more that the Commission is not aware of.
It was decided to send four letters initially. This would allow Planning and Zoning to not have people waiting because the meeting would go much longer if all were to come in at the same time. The Planning and Zoning secretary will send out four letters, certified, to make sure they are received.
6. Syd Munk was present at the meeting and wanted to talk about putting in a scale to weigh trucks bringing crops and product onto the farm. The area he is considering is in front of another building. The building is set back the required 30 feet from the road, but it is not clear to the board whether this area can be used for this purpose. This is going to have to be reviewed and more thought given to it. The trucks would be near the property line while being weighed. There was also some discussion about the milk barn that he has converted into an apartment which houses a farm worker.
As these items were not on the agenda, no action can be taken. This was a discussion only.
The town attorney will be contacted about the possibility of a scale in the location being considered.
Motion to Adjourn-Judy Downs
Second-April Hansen
Motion Carried
Meeting adjourned at 9:10 PM
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify Dave Lee@435-881-0552.