Amalga Planning and Zoning Minutes
June 5, 2024
7:00 PM
6590 N 2400 W
Amalga, Utah
Visitors: Mayor Dave Wood, Vic and Nancy Bingham
Members: Jason Munk, Chairman. Mike Diehl, Judy Downs, Kelly Noble, Commission Members. Dave Lee Secretary/Town Board
1. Minutes of May 1, 2024, were read by Mike Diehl.
Motion to Approve-Kelly Noble
Second-Mike Diehl
Motion Carried
2. Minutes of April 3, 2024, were read by Jason Munk.
Motion to Approve-Mike Diehl
Second-Kelly Noble
Motion Carried
3. Application for a Zoning Clearance from Vic Bingham for a pole barn at 8100 N 2195 W. Barn will be 36' X 27. No power or water. Setbacks were checked and approved.
Motion to Approve-Kelly Noble
Second-Judy Downs
Motion Carried
4. Discussion about the Community Workshop that was held on April 22, at the Town Hall. By a show of hands it was clear that the majority of the people at the meeting do not want Accessory Dwelling Units in Amalga. There are several housing violation issues in town. Planning and Zoning will invite the owners of the properties in to discuss solutions to these problems. There are also issues with mobile homes/RV's being lived in, that already have a home on the property. It was decided to contact these property owners by mail to also come in and meet with Planning and Zoning for discussion.
Motion to Adjourn-Judy Downs
Second-Kelly Noble
Motion Carried
Meeting Adjourned at 8:34 PM
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify Dave Lee 435-881-0552.