City of Kearns Council
4275 West 5345 South (Kearns Library)
June 10, 2024
Upon request with three working days' notice, Salt Lake County will provide free auxiliary aids and services to qualified individuals (including sign language interpreters, alternative formats, etc.). For assistance, please call (385) 468-7130 - TTY 711. The Public May Attend.
Meetings May Be Closed for Reasons Allowed by Statute.
6:00 - Open the Public Meeting
2. Determine Quorum
3. Citizen Public Input (Limited to 3 Minutes Per Person
Order of Business:
4. Council Business
a. Ordinance 2024-06-01 - adopting the new city name and logo (Motion/Voting)
b. Public Hearing Final Adoption of 2024-2025 Budget (Motion/Voting)
c. Resolution 2024-06-03 - adopting the final 2024-2025 fiscal year budget (Motion/Voting)
d. Public Hearing Final Adoption of 2024 Amended Budget (Motion/Voting)
e. Resolution 2024-06-02 - amending the 2024 calendar year budget (Motion/Voting)
f. Resolution 2024-06-04 - adopting the 2024-2025 fee schedule (Motion/Voting)
g. Approval of MSD's Draft Audited Financial Statements (Motion/Voting)
h. Minutes
5. Stakeholder Updates/Information
a. KID: Greg Anderson
b. Librarian: Lee Whiting
c. Mykearns-Kristen Dietz
d. WFWRD: Renee Plant
e. UFA: Chief Russell
f. Community Council: Roger Snow
g. UPD: Chief Hughes
6. Legal Updates/Information
7. Planning/Engineering
a. Ordinance 2024-06-02 - amending the PF zones- The City of Kearns is considering a text amendment to Section 19.38.030 of Municipal Code. The proposed amendment would expand the permitted uses allowed in the Public Facilities (PF) Zone to include Recreational Facilities and Administrative Offices as an accessory use. Planner: Kayla Mauldin (Motion/Voting)
b. Ordinance 2024-06-03 - amending miscellaneous provisions in Titles 18 and 19- A public hearing was held on May 6th, 2024, and the Planning Commission gave a recommendation of adoption. Kearns adopted comprehensive revisions to Titles 18 and 19 in 2023. The minor amendments now being proposed by staff are part of an ongoing effort to keep Kearns Municipal Code user-friendly, responsive to community needs, and compliant with Utah State Code. The following amendments are being proposed:
1. All instances of 'Kearns Metro Township' within Titles 18 and 19 are replaced with 'the City of Kearns'.
2. The definition of 'Bed and Breakfast' is updated in Sections 19.04.070 and 19.42.090 for consistency purposes.
3. New language is added to the specific use standards for Storage and Salvage Yards (19.42.330) to require surfaces of storage and salvage yards to be covered with an all-weather surface.
4. Setback standards specific to Mixed Use Planned Unit Developments (PUDs) are removed so that the PUD is subject to general perimeter setbacks and the right-of-way setbacks specified in the underlying zoning district. Kayla Mauldin (Motion/Voting)
8. Other Business
a. Recognition (Motion/Voting)
b. Future agenda business (Motion/Voting)
9. Adjourn
Closed Session: The City of Kearns Council may temporarily recess the meeting to convene in a closed session to discuss the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual, pending or reasonable imminent litigation, and the purchase, exchange, or lease of real property, as provided by Utah Code Annotated
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
Upon request with three working days' notice, Salt Lake County will provide free auxiliary aids and services to qualified individuals (including sign language interpreters, alternative formats, etc.). For assistance, please call (385) 468-7130 - TTY 711. The Public May Attend. Meetings May Be Closed For Reasons Allowed By Statute.