The public will be able to view the meeting on San Juan County's Facebook live and Youtube channel
Public comments will be accepted through the following Zoom Meet Link Meeting ID: 882 7963 1170 One tap mobile +13462487799,,88279631170# US (Houston)
There will be a three-minute time limit for each person wishing to comment. If you exceed that three-minute time limit the meeting controller will mute your line.
CONSENT AGENDA (Routine Matters) Mack McDonald, San Juan County Administrator
The Consent Agenda is a means of expediting the consideration of routine matters. If a Commissioner requests that items be removed from the consent agenda, those items are placed at the beginning of the regular agenda as a new business action item. Other than requests to remove items, a motion to approve the items on the consent agenda is not debatable.
1.Approval of Kristian Olson to the San Juan County Economic Development Board.
2.Approval of the Appointment of Cody Nielson to continue to represent Blanding and Thomas (TC) Garcia as the new Planning Commissioner representing La Sal.
3.Approval of $12,979.53 in Purchase: $1,302.32 for Laptop System, $4,635.48 for Full Grille Guard and Electric Winch for the Road Department, $7,041.73 for Diesel Fuel for the Landfill.
4.Approval of the 2024 Amendment No. 10 with the Utah Department of Government Operations Division of Facilities Construction and Management and San Juan County for the Utah Highway Patrol Lease. Mack McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer
5.Ratification of a Letter of Support to Utah State University for their Rural Utilities Services Distant Learning and Telemedicine Grant Application to the USDA Rural Development
6.Ratification of the Response to the State of Utah Office of the State Auditor Regarding the Audit Finding SJCO-21-SP
7.Presentation of the Eastland Section 09-03 Water Rights Adjudication and Update. Marc Stilson, P.E, Regional Engineer, Division of Water Rights
8.Approval of the Emery Telcom Letter of Support for the ReConnect Broadband Funding and Broadband Update. Jared Anderson, COO of Emery Telcom
9.Consideration and Approval of the Library County and Interlibrary Loan Policy Updated. Nicole Perkins, Library Director
10.Consideration and Approval of dust suppressant purchase. TJ Adair, Road Superintendent
11.Consideration and Approval of a Letter of Support for Ride with Respect's Grant Application. Nick Sandberg, Public Lands Coordinator
12.Consideration and Approval of the Utah Local Health Department Mutual Aid Agreement. Grant Sunada, Public Health Director
13.Consideration and Approval of the Interlocal Agreement for E-Cigarette, Tobacco & Other Drug Prevention between San Juan County and Hozho 'go Iina. Grant Sunada, Public Health Director
14.Consideration and Approval of the Interlocal Agreement for E-Cigarette, Tobacco & Other Drug Prevention between San Juan County and Albert R Lyman Middle School. Grant Sunada, Public Health Director
15.Consideration and Approval of a Support and Advocacy Letter to the Honorable Congressman John Curtis Regarding H.R. 5030 Extending the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000. Commissioner Jamie Harvey
16.Consideration and Approval of the Standard Contract Agreement with BWP Communications, INC for Cancer Screening Marketing and Advertising Services. Mack McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer
17.Consideration and Approval of the Gentle Ironhawk Agreement with San Juan County. Mack McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer
*The Board of San Juan County Commissioners can call a closed meeting at any time during the Regular Session if necessary, for reasons permitted under UCA 52-4-205*
All agenda items shall be considered as having potential Commission action components and may be completed by an electronic method **In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing auxiliary communicative aids and services for this meeting should contact the San Juan County Clerk's Office: 117 South Main, Monticello or telephone 435-587-3223, giving reasonable notice**
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing auxiliary communicative aids and services for this meeting should contact the SJC Clerk's Office: 117 S Main, Monticello or telephone 435-587-3223, giving reasonable notice.
Notice of Electronic or Telephone Participation
Public comments will be accepted through the following Zoom Meet Link Meeting ID: 882 7963 1170 One tap mobile +13462487799,,88279631170# US (Houston)