26 March 2024
1. Call to order, Ryan Andersen, chairman. 4:02pm
2. Roll Call: Ryan Andersen, Curt Shelley, Pat Johnson, Alan Burns. Noted that David Fulford is out of town and not attending
3. Note: This is a working meeting of the board. There will be no public comment during this meeting.
4. Note: This is a working meeting of the board. No motions will be made, nor any votes taken during this meeting, excepting #5 below.
5. Approval of Agenda Ryan Andersen, Chair: Discussion to delete sale of old Type 4 Brush Truck to Apple Valley FD from agenda, as moot. Motion to approve revised agenda by Curt Shelley, second Alan Burns, vote to approve unanimous.
6. Review Board assignments and training:
a. Pat Johnson, clerk - learning invoice processing procedure
b. Alan Burns, at large - also learning invoice processing and approval procedure
c. Ryan Andersen - nothing of note to report on Park
7. Upcoming spring event - 4 May 2024
a. Community car show, headed by Dan Agin
b. Breakfast, headed by Dana Berg
c. Awards to department by Chief Hennessey
d. FireWise and other informational exhibits/presentations by Chief and board members
e. Raise community awareness/PR by Curt Shelley
8. Adjournment - Ryan Anderson 5:11pm
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations during this hearing should notify the Dammeron Valley Fire Special Service District Chairman of the Board, Mack Sorensen, at least three days prior to the hearing.
Notice of Electronic or Telephone Participation
Policy: This shall be known as the Dammeron Valley Fire Special Service District Electronic Board Meeting Policy.
In compliance with Utah State Code 52-4-207
Title 52
Chapter 4
Section 207