Amalga Town Council
Wednesday February 14, 2024, at 7p.m.
at the Amalga town hall at
6590 N 2400 W AMALGA, UTAH
1. Welcome / Pledge of allegiance. By Shantrell Ritter
2. Approve Minutes from January 10, 2024, meeting.
a. Motion to Approve Dave Lee
b. 2nd Paul Hansen
3. Sheriff's Report Spent 24.50 hours in Amalga in January
a. Hang up 911 call Accident PD
b. 3 assist Citizen
c. 2 motorist assists
d. Fire alarm at the church.
e. Served a warrant.
f. 3 warnings
g. 2 citations
h. Non-emergency number 435-753-7555
4. Set Date and time for dog license and rabies clinic.
a. March 2, 9, or 16
5. Discuss youth council leadership conference on the 14th and 15th of March.
a. Pick 2 older kids.
b. For those who goes they should know before hand they need to give a report to the council
6. Rise Broadband and website requirements
a. Have an appointment with Rise broadband on February 24
b. Dave Lee will handle updating the website privacy statement.
7. Town Logo Discussion
a. Add 1869 to Logo
b. Motion to accept town logo by Mark Cowley
c. 2nd David Lee
8. Amalga Days Celebration
a. By Rayslyn
b. Theme Historic Amalga
c. Open t-shirt design to everyone
d. Time Capsule
e. Food Truck 2 Dinner, 1 Sweet
f. Music (Mark will look into musicians that play at the farmer's Market)
g. Mini rodeo
i. Lawn Mower races
ii. Blow up Mechanical bulls.
iii. Flag Ceremony
iv. Field Lights donated from Renegade rentals.
v. Sack races.
h. Fireworks
i. Saturday
i. Fun Run dress up
ii. Brunch before the parade 9-10:30, Free.
iii. Parade
iv. Bingo
v. Fire Department splash or candy drop.
vi. Maybe during Saturday, we have history
vii. Town History Time
viii. Candy Drop (Mark will Check on a helicopter)
ix. Bingo
x. Kids Activities
j. Cut off at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday.
9. Budget discussion for fiscal year 2024-2025
a. We will not be raising taxes.
10. Council reports:
a. Paul Hansen,
i. Valentines Dinner went well but need more publicity.
ii. Rapz Tax Due by March 1st
b. Dave Lee,
i. Planning and Zoning meeting Jason Munk came in to build a shed on the farm.
ii. A lot of Violations with illegal renting Will be Addressed with Planning and Zoning. Went to a meeting with the lawyers last month. The Lawyer suggests that we have a town workshop to see what the people of the town want to do. Code book was done in the year 2000 maybe we need to update it to what the town wants. Community workshop will be in late April.
c. Colette Dursteler
i. Have nothing.
d. Mark Cowley
i. Not a very good situation. Dated the 19th of January. In severe violation of Amalga Water Town System.
ii. We are now on the Federal EPA List.
iii. We can get off the list with a small systems operator.
iv. To be in compliance with the order we need to supply a tier 2 public Notice to all of our residents.
v. 90 Days to bring things into Compliance.
vi. If we start issuing Consumer Confidence Report that will be one more step to getting off the EPA list.
vii. Mark will be contacting Eric Dursteler
11. Mayor's report
a. Tball and coach pitch team starts in June then striped
b. Roads Getting some Cold Patch Coming to patch holes in town. This summer 2400 will be Fog sealed and chip and seal.
12. Cash Disbursement
a. Motion to Approve Dave Lee
b. 2nd Paul Hansen
13. Any New Business for the agenda next month
14. Adjournment
a. Motion to adjourn: Mark Cowley
b. 2nd Colette Dursteler
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify David Lee @435-881-0552.