Public Hearing:
Kanosh Town Hall
55 North Main, Kanosh Utah
April10, 2024
6:30 pm
Purpose: to discuss Ordinance 09132023 An Ordinance Establishing Kanosh Town Minimum Lot Sizes and Building Set-Backs
ORDINANCE NO. 09132023
WHEREAS, Kanosh Town, Millard County, State of Utah, a body politic, is a municipal corporation organized
and established for the purposes of operating a municipality; and
WHEREAS, Kanosh Town has adopted ordinances for the purpose of assisting in the orderly growth of its
community, and to promote the health, safety, morals, convenience, order, prosperity and welfare of the
present and future citizens of the Town;
WHEREAS, Kanosh Town desires to establish the minimum lot size, minimum set-backs for commercial,
residential, and accessory structures, and for establishing the proper development for the protection and
safety from fire and other dangers associated with developments, and
WHEREAS, Kanosh Town is an agricultural community and which desires to maintain the historical nature of
the Town by providing low density, single-family neighborhoods.
NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDAINED, by the Town Council of Kanosh Town, Millard County, Utah,
1. The minimum lot size shall be 18,000 square feet, with a minimum street frontage width of 82
2. Residential and Commercial buildings shall have a minimum front set-back of 25 feet, and a
minimum back set-back of 25 feet; and
3. Residential and Commercial buildings on corner lots shall have a minimum side set-back of 15
feet on the side near the corner and which is not identified by the front street address, and a
minimum side set-back of 10 feet on the non-corner side; and
4. Accessory Structure shall have minimum front set-back of 25 feet, and back and side minimum
set-backs of 4 feet; and
5. No structures shall exceed a height greater that two and one-half (2-1/2) stories or 35 feet, and
have a minimum of one story; and
6. Open porches may encroach 8 feet into any front or rear yard set-back; and
7. Projections by skylights, sills, cornices, chimneys, flues, eaves, and ornamental features may
project into and side yard setback not to exceed two and one-half (2-1/2) feet; and
8. No structures may be constructed on any legal or equitable easement utilized to provide
utilities, including water, gas, power, communication devices, or any irrigation easements.
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that all prior resolutions, and parts of resolutions, in conflict herewith be hereby
This Ordinance shall take effect upon passage of the Kanosh Town Council.
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify Cindy Turner at 435-759-2626.