Amalga Planning and Zoning Minutes
March 6, 2024
7:00 PM
6590 N 2400 W
Amalga, Utah
Visitors: Shane Perkins
Members: Jason Munk, Acting Chair. Mike Diehl, Judy Downs, April Hansen, Kelly Noble, Commission Members. Dave Lee, Acting Secretary/Town Board.
1. Minutes of February 7, 2024, read by Judy Downs.
Motion to Approve -Mike Diehl
Second-April Hansen
Motion Carried
2. Application for a Zoning Clearance by Shane Perkins for an addition to a barn at 2200 W Hwy218. Plans were reviewed and approved.
Motion to Approve-Judy Downs
Second-April Hansen
Motion Carried
3. The rest of the meeting was spent in discussion about a letter to be sent to community members in regards to a Community Workshop. This Workshop would be to address violations of the Town Code and to receive input from members of the town as to how they would like these violations to be addressed. Members of the commission submitted items to possibly be included in the letter.
They are listed here:
3.16.2 Ownership of the Residential Dwelling
The primary residential dwelling of any single-family home containing an accessory apartment must be occupied by the owner of the home. If the primary dwelling has been rented, leased, or loaned to another single family, or other legally authorized tenant under this code, then the accessory apartment may not be independently rented or leased.
As per this code, homeowners must live in their home in order to rent out an apartment in their home.
Do the residents of Amalga want to allow homeowners to leave the home and rent out to multiple families, basically making the home a duplex. This would open up the town to Multifamily units to be built. Do we want that situation in a rural/agricultural town?
6.3 Occupancy Permit
Land, buildings, or premises in any district shall hereafter be used only for a purpose permitted in such a district and in accordance with the appropriate regulations. A permit of occupancy shall be issued by the Building Official to the effect that the use, building, or premises conform to provisions of this and all related ordinances, regulations, and requirements prior to occupancy, for any building erected, enlarged or altered structurally for the occupancy or use of any land. Such a permit is needed whenever use or character of any building or land is to be changed.
As per this code, we have buildings being used for something other than those buildings were designed for (rentals).
These buildings were not permitted for occupancy, nor did the property owner apply for a permit of occupancy.
Do the residents of Amalga want to allow rentals in any outbuildings? If so, what types of regulation should be required ?
2.39 Dwelling
A building or portion thereof designed for use as the residence or sleeping place of one or more persons or families with cooking and bathroom facilities, but not including hotel, motel, lodge, nursing home rooms, trailers or mobile homes.
2.41 Dwelling, Single Family
A building arranged or designed to be occupied by only one family; a structure having only one dwelling unit.
Permitted Uses in;
Ag Zone 7.1.2 d) Single-family dwellings - detached. Subject to approval of the septic system by the Board of Health
7.1.6 Number of dwellings per lot.
Not more than one primary single-family dwelling may be placed upon a lot in the A-zone. Single caretaker facilities or single attached accessory apartment may be allowed
Res-Ag Zone 7.2.2
a) Single family dwellings - detached. Subject to approval of the septic system by the Board of Health.
7.2.6 Number of Dwellings Per Lot
Not more than one single-family dwelling may be placed on a lot in the RA - zone. A single attached accessory apartment may be allowed.
Residential-Mixed Use Zone 7.3.2
a) Single family dwellings - detached; subject to approval of the septic system by the Board of Health.
7.3.5 Residential Building and Lot Requirements.
The requirements for residential structures and lots in the RM - Zone are identical to those in the Residential-Agriculture Zone, as found in sections 7.2.4 through 7.2.14 of this Code, with the exception that agricultural accessory structures with a height greater than 30 feet are not permitted as a conditional use, as they are in section 7.2.9.
This defines what a Dwelling is, and what a Single Family Dwelling is, and where Single Family Dwellings are allowed.
Lot size for the RA Zone the RM Zone are 1 acre and 150' of frontage. Lot size for the AG Zone is 5 acres and 350' of frontage.
Many points....
-Point to think of OUR future generations needs.
What's obvious for housing requirements currently for families of Amalga? What do the people of Amalga really think they're housing/lot needs will be in the future?
What's growth realistically going to be like being so closely located to Smithfield and it's growth?
Is it wise to be thinking of allowing more commercial land, or some type of business use land? Is bringing in more Amalga business a good thing?
Will 2400 W still be the only route through Amalga in 50 years? Will it be wise to plan that far ahead as far as infrastructure and street layout, realistic land annexations?
-Point of making almost like an Amalga Town Code Quick Sheet for new residents, current residents, etc, basically covering the most common items brought up in planning and zoning.
It could include examples of proper fence installations, shop/accessory buildings, frontage requirements, simple business owner requirements, and occupancy requirements and permits.
Basically just a way to somehow get more people to quickly and accurately determine what they can and can't do, and show how simple is to have the public request changes.
Possibly look into a newsletter with the town bill each month including not only P&Z ongoings, but of other town items, news, how to get involved, etc.
I've only spoken to a few local residents, but a few have made mention that 'people need to be able to live how they want on their land. There is not many places you can still do that, and Amalga should be one of them.'
That keeps ringing a bell for me, thinking of not just farmers but families with working households and small businesses, it would be nice to promote freedom to just 'do what you need to do'. I think having that be worded somehow into the community workshop, and showing options currently of how residents can do just that, would be nice and maybe send a positive spin on it.
1- I would like a discussion with members of the town about how to fix the current housing violators.
2- A discussion on what the punishment should be for people violating housing law. Specifically a dollar amount per day.
3- I also would like to have a discussion about future proposals for living conditions, i.e. apartments, rentals, and possibly Airbnb
4-It might also be good but might open a can of worms , what people want to see for a Amalga in the next 10 to 15 years with regards to population growth. Possible changes to the book to be more accommodating.
Also, wondering if we have an occupancy permit for Amalga. Judy had posted that and I don't know if that is through county or through town.
8.1 Mobile Home Use: A mobile home may be approved as a conditional use in zones Residential Agricultural, Residential, and Residential-Mixed-use, but strictly and only under the following conditions:
1. To provide a temporary residence for an individual and that individual's family on the construction site during the course of construction of an approved permanent dwelling by or for that individual provided that the mobile home be removed within 90 days of the occupancy of the permanent dwelling. Such period of time shall not extend beyond one year after the approval of the temporary placement of the mobile home, 'but may be renewed upon the request of the individual if construction of the home is underway and the Planning Commission determines that circumstances warrant a renewal.
3. To provide temporary housing for members of the immediate family of the property owners (immediate family meaning parents, children, brothers, or sisters) where an emergency situation exists which requires special attention as determined by the Planning Commission.
Do we want to allow home owners to have temporary mobile homes that they can rent out as an income properties? Do we want to allow home owners to house their families in mobile homes and have multiple separate 'apartments' on their property long term?
3.16.1 Size
The maximum size for a single accessory apartment shall be 1000 square feet. This amount shall be included in the total square footage calculation for the single-family owner occupied resident dwelling where it is to be located.
The size of accessory apartments is limited, do we want to allow this to be updated? The sq ft setup was to allow for mother-in-law apartments, not duplexes and income properties.
Judy Downs and April Hansen will work on preparing a letter to be sent out with the April water bills. If necessary P&Z will meet before our next meeting to review, and approve the letter.
Motion to Adjourn-Kelly Noble
Second-Mike Diehl
Motion Carried
Meeting Adjourned at 8:20PM
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify Dave Lee