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Amalga Town Board Meeting

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Amalga Town Council

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Notice Title
Amalga Town Board Meeting
Notice Subject(s)
Administrative Procedure
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Event Start Date & Time
November 8, 2023 07:00 PM
Event End Date & Time
November 8, 2023 08:30 PM
Amalga Town Council Wednesday November 8, 2023, at 7p.m. at the Amalga town hall at 6590 N 2400 W AMALGA, UTAH 1. Welcome / Pledge of allegiance. 2. Roll call Dave Wood Mayor, Dave Lee Council Member, Paul Hansen Council Member, Shantrell Ritter Clerk, Rick Fonnesbeck Council Member, Judy Downs, Kevin Show Sheriff Office 3. Approve Minutes from October 11, 2023, meeting. a. Motion to Approve by Paul Hansen b. 2nd David Lee 4. Sheriff's Report by Kevin Shaw. Will block the road for the Christmas parade. If you need to contact the sheriff department in a non-emergency call dispatch 435-753-7555 5. Discuss Amalga Elections 6. Discuss Garbage Collection with Waste Management Can Size and #'s Logan City price Waste management price Proposed Fee Increase 60 Gallon (Small Black) - 14 12.90 15 16 90 Gallon (Large Black) - 140 15.15 16 17 Extra 90 Gallons - 20 15.15 8.25 9 Recycling 160 4 5 5 Monthly total without Dumpsters 3269.40 3413.60 a. Fee Increase Motion to Approve by Dave Lee b. 2nd. Rick Fonnesbeck 7. Council Reports a. Paul Hansen. i. The water turned off at the park. Need to test water in the spring to make sure that everything is good. Put up Christmas decorations. Took down pickleball court for winter. ii. The Christmas light parade will be on November 27th Kristin Allsop will be gone so Collette Dursteler will be helping $250 will have hot chocolate and treats. iii. Need to call on the park light that flickers. iv. Rapz tax leftover money. v. Will start painting town hall next week. Lloyd Jenson will be putting new baseboards on. November 20th new flooring will be put in. Will be repainting the Formica kitchen Countertop. b. Rick Fonnesbeck i. All the samples that were taken mid-year were good. ii. If we are still having problems with the park line in the spring, we might have to dig it up in the spring. iii. Schreiber's is still having a problem with their line making it safe to use. iv. Went around and opened fire hydrants and let them run to clean them out. v. The pump is gassed and ready to go for winter. c. Dave Lee i. Colton Oryall Zoning Clearance for a 30x40 Shop Approved ii. Nikolas Nielson 14x24 for a building used as an office. Will need to talk with the lawyer. Will have to talk to BRH. iii. Amalga has several places where individuals are living in trailers and renting apartments that does not go with our planning and zoning. Maybe we need to get input from the town citizens to see if we want to change the bylaws with the laws for habitability. Some of the rules in our planning and zoning book may need to be revisited. Judy Downs does not mind working out long-term answers to problems but does not want to waste time if these infringements on the law are not being enforced. Right now, until the laws are changed, we need to enforce the laws of our planning and zoning. 8. Mayor's report. a. Schreiber's will be putting sidewalks around the park next week. b. Asphalt in the parking lot was replaced by Schreiber's. c. Put a new meter in for the town. d. Ordered a new water fountain for the park will go in next spring. e. Went to a meeting about the roads with CCOG we did not receive the money that we asked for. Richmond received all of the rural CCOG money f. GIS System 2200 per year + hourly rate as applicable 9. Cash Disbursement a. Motion to approve Paul Hansen b. 2nd Dave Lee 10. Set a date for the Christmas Party a. December 6th at 6:30 11. Adjournment a. Motion to adjourn Rick Fonnesbeck b. 2nd Paul Hansen
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify David Lee @435-881-0552.
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Meeting Information

Meeting Location
6590 N 2400 W
AMALGA, UT 84335
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Notice Posting Details

Notice Posted On
January 10, 2024 10:20 AM
Notice Last Edited On
January 10, 2024 10:20 AM


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