Amalga Planning and Zoning Minutes
January 3, 2024
7:00 PM
6590 N 2400 W
Amalga, Utah
Visitors: Mayor Dave Wood, Mike Jorgenson, Brad Wilson, Katie Wilson
Members: Judy Downs, Acting Chair. Kelly Noble, Mike Diehl, Members. Dave Lee, Secretary, Town Board.
1. Minutes of November 1, 2023 read by Kelly Nob le.
Motion to Approve-Kelly Noble
Second-Judy Downs
Motion Carried
2. Application from Dave Wood for a subdivision of property. Property to be divided is immediately north of the Wood residence at 8490 N 2400 W, Parcel Number 08-013-0003. Property dimensions are 173' wide X 264' deep. This is an application only. Application to be presented to BRH and Amalga Water Authority for clearance. Land Use Certificate of Approval will be issued on completion of Application. This will qualify as a Minor Subdivision.
Motion to Approve-Judy Downs
Second-Mike Diehl
Motion Carried
3. Application from Mike Jorgenson for a subdivision of property. Property to be divided is along 5700 N at approximately 2900 W, Parcel Number 13-040-0005. After discussion with Mike, he decided to change how he wanted to divide this property. He will re-apply at a later date.
Motion to Table-Kelly Noble
Second-Mike Diehl
Motion Carried
4. Petition from David Lee for Zone Change or Code Amendment. After discussion with the Committee, it was decided to table this petition.
Motion to Table-Mike Diehl
Second-Kelly Noble
Motion Carried
There was a lengthy, continuing discussion about situations in Amalga that are unauthorized. Judy had a list, and since most, if not all, of the things that were talked about are on the list, I am including it in the minutes.
Pz issues
(1) Long term rental lease of one year vs. short term rentals (Airbnb) situations
(2) Renting a portion of a home you own while you are not living in your home
(3) Renting a home to multiple families while you are not living in your home
(4) Renting outbuilding to your full time farm workers on you own property farm
(5) Renting out buildings to general public
(6) Renting of mobile homes to farm workers vs general public
(7) Renting of RV camp trailers that are parked on private property
(8) Mother In Law apt within the main home vs additional building
Safety of the community as a whole
Safety of renters: fires, building codes requirements, sanitation 'must meet International Building code'
Increased use of infrastructure-roads, water, Septic tanks public facilities
Taxes-these apartments are not permitted and therefore, no record of the improvements to property are documented and taxed upon increase of value to property
Fines and enforcement
It is not the mayor of the PZ job to enforce but it is their job to file complaints, along with codes being broken, to the proper authority.
Caretaker vs farmworker?
The Mayor will schedule an appointment with the Town Attorney to decide what steps will be taken to take care of unauthorized activities.
SB 174 was discussed briefly. This is a State Bill that changed the subdivision requirements affecting all local governments in the state. There are companies that will help with the changes at no cost to local government. They are reimbursed by the state. The deadline on this is December 31, 2024. The Mayor and Dave Lee will work on this and report as needed to P&Z.
Motion to Adjourn-Mike Diehl
Second-Judy Downs
Motion Carried
Meeting adjourned at 9:13 PM
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify Dave Lee@435-881-0552.