Wallsburg Town Water System Project - Environmental Assessment - Finding Of No Signigicant Imapct
Notice Subject(s)
Environmental Quality
, Water and Irrigation
Notice Type(s)
Event Start Date & Time
December 5, 2023 07:00 PM
One of the requirements for the Drinking Water funding package for Wallsburg Town's water system improvement project is to conduct an Environmental Assessment.
That has been completed by Dao Yang with Sunrise Engineering and the Drinking Water Division now needs to issue a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for public notice.
Per Utah State requirements, the FONSI notice will be published in the local newspaper (Wasatch Wave) on Wednesday November 22nd and Wednesday November 29th.
The environmental Assessment will also be available for public review in person at the Wallsburg Town Hall, on the Wallsburg Town website, or digitally as requested via email.
The Finding Of No Significant Impact public notice opens a 30-day formal public comment period (beginning Wednesday November 22nd and ending Friday December 22nd), and Wallsburg Town will hold one public meeting during this comment period (Tuesday December 5th 7:00pm) to accept comments.
All public comments received, oral and written (PO Box 52 Wallsburg, UT 84082 or wallsburgtownclerk@gmail.com), shall be recorded and provided to the Drinking Water Division for the project file. If there are no comments, expiration of the 30-day comment period ends the environmental review process.
The Division of Drinking Water (the Division), Utah Department of Environmental Quality, herewith publishes a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Wallsburg Town project, located in Wasatch County. An Environmental Report has been developed to examine potential environmental impacts associated with this project. The Environmental Report and the FONSI are available at the Division office:
Division of Drinking Water
Utah State Department of Environmental Quality
195 North 1950 West, P.O. Box 144830
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4830
Phone: 801-536-4200 or 801-536-0048
As required by the guidelines for the preparation of environmental impact statements,
an environmental review has been performed on the proposed State of Utah, Division of Drinking water action below:
Project: Wallsburg Town Water System
Water System: Utah26009
Office Location: PO Box 52
Wallsburg, Utah 84082
Project Number: 3F1889
Total Estimated Cost: $6,933,000
Funding Amounts:
DWB Loan: $3,536,000
DWB Principal Forgiveness: $3,397,000
Wallsburg Town Water System FONSI
Page 2
The project entails replacement of an existing 100,000-gallon concrete storage tank with a new 500,000-gallon storage tank, installation of approximately 40,000 linear feet of new PVC transmission line with new valves and hydrants, and a new 8' PRV station.
An Environmental Report has been developed for this proposed project. Letters requesting comments from federal, state, and local agencies have been sent out; comments will be summarized and included in the Report. Division of Drinking Water staff have reviewed this document. Temporary and long-term environmental impacts were identified, as well as mitigating measures to minimize these impacts. The review process indicated that no significant environmental impacts would result from the proposed action. Consequently, a decision has been made to issue a FONSI.
All contractors will be required to comply with all pertinent federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and executive orders, such as Utah State Air Quality regulations R307-309. If anything is uncovered or otherwise discovered during construction of this project that may have cultural or historic significance, work must stop, and the Division and the State Historic Preservation Officer will be notified. These two agencies will investigate any such discoveries. If it appears that part of the construction work may be causing an adverse environmental impact, construction must stop, and the Division will be notified.
The FONSI will be available for review until Date: December 22, 2023. Any comments received during this comment period will be evaluated and incorporated as appropriate. There will be a public meeting on December 5, 2023, at 7:00 pm, at the Wallsburg Town Hall located at 70 West Main Canyon Road, Wallsburg, Utah, to discuss the FONSI and receive additional public comments.
Questions or comments may be directed to Kjori Shelley at 385-227-1638 or at kashelley@utah.gov.
Michael Grange, P.E.
Infrastructure Funding Section Manager
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify Alisha O'Driscoll at 801-960-8426.