General Session: (Open to the Public)
- Welcome / Kim Holbrook, Chair
- Telephone Roll Call
- Adopt Minutes of Previous Meeting
- Concurrence Reports / Kim
o Licenses
o Continuing education
- Update on 2023 Goals
o ULTA report / Kim
- New Business
o Online title licensee database / Nathan
o Rate filings / Tracy
o Office inspections / Tracy
o Marketing questions / Tracy
- Old Business
o Addition of capital requirements to 31A-23a-204 / Kim
- Other Business
o R592-6 subcommittee / Kim
- Hot Topics
Executive Session (None)
- Adjourn
- Next Meeting: December 11, 2023
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals desiring to attend a meeting or hearing who need special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) should notify Steve Gooch by email:; FAX 385-465-6047; Phone 801-957-9322; or mail: 4315 S. 2700 W., Suite 2300, Taylorsville, UT 84129.
Notice of Electronic or Telephone Participation
Electronic and telephone participation are available for this meeting. Connection information is included on the attached agenda.