Amalga Town Council
Wednesday October 11, 2023, at 7p.m.
Amalga town hall
6590 N 2400 W AMALGA, UTAH
1. Welcome / Pledge of allegiance.
2. Roll call David Wood Mayor, Paul Hansen Council Member, David Lee Council Member, Shantrell Ritter Clerk, Zac Hatfield from Forsgren
3. Approve Minutes from September meeting.
a. Approve By Paul Hansen
b. 2nd Dave Lee
4. New Water Line maps were presented by Zac Hatfield from Forsgren. Including the locations of water Shutoff Valves. Those were marked with paint. Zac will be sending a digital copy of the water line maps.
5. Sheriff's Report went over the current report.
6. Discuss Amalga Welcome Signs: need to update and cleanup we will readdress it in the Spring.
7. Discuss and Approve Flooring for Town Hall: Price to replace the Kitchen and the main town hall. $6296 With Flooring America. We should paint the town hall before the flooring goes in. If we have someone look at the windows, they might be able to adjust them. Will have Gardon's look at the windows.
a. Make a motion to Accept the Bid of $6296 For flooring and painting and taping $1300 by Paul Hansen
b. 2nd Dave Lee
8. Discuss and Approve Drinking Fountain at Sugar Park.
a. Fountain $3600 Labor $1000 Freight $800 for a total of $5400.
b. Motion to approve Bid for new Fountain of $5400 By Paul Hansen
c. 2nd Dave Lee
9. Discuss Garbage Collection with Waste Management
a. Doing better than last week.
b. Talking with Blake it has been hard getting the routes from Logan.
10. Discuss community Calendar.
11. Council Reports
a. Paul Hansen
i. will call Rocky Mountain power to check on park Street lights that are flickering.
ii. Will leave water on until after Trunk or treat.
iii. Youth Council is doing the Trunk or Treat
iv. Will give $200 for treats for Christmas parade and $200 for Treats after parade. Will be on November 27th.
v. The bathroom renewal may be what we ask for from the RAPZ money next year.
vi. Will need two new tires for wheelbarrow. Old ones are missing.
b. Dave Lee
i. No Planning and Zoning for October
ii. Have two people for November Planning and Zoning meeting.
iii. Haven't heard anything about Jorgenson property.
12. Mayor's report
a. Going to do the Asphalt next Monday for Schreiber's line,
b. It wasn't on Schreiber's budget two years ago to fix the park's parking lot hopefully they will do it this next year.
13. Community Calendar: quarterly. Elections, Trunk or Treating, Christmas lighted parade, Planning and zoning, Town Council, Meet the candidate's night,
14. New Business for next month's Council meeting.
15. Cash Disbursement $20122.30
a. Motion to Approve Paul Hansen
b. 2nd Dave Lee
16. Adjournment
a. Motion to Adjourn Dave Lee
b. 2nd Paul Hansen
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify David Lee @435-881-0552.