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Amalga Town Board Meeting

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Amalga Town Council

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Notice Title
Amalga Town Board Meeting
Notice Subject(s)
Administrative Procedure
Notice Type(s)
Meeting, Hearing
Event Start Date & Time
August 9, 2023 07:00 PM
Event End Date & Time
August 9, 2023 08:30 PM
Amalga Town Council Wednesday August 9. 2023 at 7p.m. 1. Welcome / Pledge of Allegiance Lead by Dave Lee 2. Roll call Dave Wood Mayor, Dave Lee Council Member, Paul Hanson, Council Member, Shantrell Ritter Clerk, Rick Fonnesbeck Council Member 3. Approve Minutes from July meeting. Motion to approve: Dave Lee 2nd: Paul Hanson 4. Discussed putting in a cement pad for the Ballot box. Approved 5. Sheriff's Report 6. Approve Amalga, Cache County Government Road project, a. To approve with the general Concept . General Concept of Project 5413 N to 5800 N b. Estimated Cost of Project. 102,100. COG Eligible 100,816 c. Financial Responsibility of Amalga Town if the project is funded is $7,080. Motion to Approve: Dave Lee 2nd: Rick Fonnesbeck 7. Review Pioneer Day Celebration 2023 Kristen Allsop received the Citizen of the Year Award Daniel Gubler received the Beautification Award. Discussed ideas for next years celebration with the consideration of doing something on Wednesday the 24th such as the fireworks on that day instead of on Friday night. We need to have the days decided soon for next year to let people know so they can plan accordingly.' In summary this year went well, and we need to let people receiving awards know in advance so they can be there if desired. We also need to start looking for a chair for next year's celebration. 8. Council Reports a. Dave Lee Add note to Water bill. Went over website hits this year compared to last year, our hits have increased from 472 to 781. Business license approved for Jason Ritter. Zoning clearance for Stephen Brown. Dave Lee will be out of town for the next planning and zoning meeting: Judy Downs will be the Secretary for the meeting. b. Paul Hanson Slowly getting the gravel gone. Have the warranty for the sound system. The Christmas light parade will be on the first Monday of December. Schreiber's is in the park for their company party. Youth will have something be doing something this the fall. c. Rick Fonnesbeck There is a charge of Mountain valley pump they had to come out and work on a sensor. We do have the water samples coming up in September. Will check with Bridgerland to see if they can do the water samples. If part of the samples have to go to Salt Lake then we'll take it down. 9. Mayor's report Putting a water line in with Schreiber's has had a problem with easements. They are in need of an easement. West cache canal has agreed to the easement. Still waiting on private property owner. The plan is to place the line along the canal and then cross over to Schreiber's. Mosquito spraying twice a week. Cog Meeting on August 16th will present our project 6 million is available out of that 13% will be for the rural communities. 10. Cash Disbursements Motion to Approve: Dave Lee 2nd Rick Fonnesbeck 11. Items for next month's Council meeting 12. Adjournment Motion to Adjourn: Rick Fonnesbeck 2nd: Paul Hanson
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify David Lee @435-881-0552.
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Meeting Information

Meeting Location
6590 N 2400 W
AMALGA, UT 84335
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Notice Posting Details

Notice Posted On
September 11, 2023 04:22 PM
Notice Last Edited On
September 11, 2023 04:22 PM


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