I, Michelle Marigoni, City Recorder for the City of Riverdale, Weber County, State of Utah, do hereby certify during the Riverdale City Council meeting held on August 15, 2023, the following Resolution(s) and/or Ordinance(s) were adopted:
- Resolution 2023-19 approved a conditional use permit for a PRUD Overlay to be applied to the Coleman Vu Estates PRUD Subdivision.
- Ordinance 964 created a subdivision and approved a site plan for the Coleman Vu Estates PRUD Subdivision.
I further certify that the above referenced resolution(s) and/or ordinance(s) were posted on August 16, 2023 in accordance with Utah Municipal Code 10-3-711 as a class A notice under section 63G-28-102.
Michelle Marigoni
City Recorder
All Resolution(s) and Ordinance(s) are posted for 30 consecutive days.
Any attachment for this document is available to the public upon request.
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons in need of special accommodation should contact the City Recorder at 394-5541 x 1232.