I, Michelle Marigoni, City Recorder for the City of Riverdale, Weber County, State of Utah, do hereby certify during the Riverdale City Council meeting held on June 20, July 18, and August 1, 2023, the following Resolution(s) and/or Ordinance(s) were adopted:
- Ordinance 967 amended Riverdale Title 1, Chapter 7 declaring salaries for City Council members, Mayor, Justice Court Judge, and setting salaries for employees.
Ordinance 968 created a subdivision known as Riverside Flats Subdivision.
- Resolution 2023-21 contained Riverdale City's Certified Property Tax Rate of 0.001463
- Resolution 2023-22 approved the nonreciprocal interfund activity transfer of resources utilized by the City's General Fund as provided by the City's water fund.
- Resolution 2023-23 amended the Riverdale City Budget for Fiscal Year 2023.
- Resolution 2023-24 adopted the Riverdale City Budget for Fiscal Year 2024.
- Resolution 2023-25 approved the 2023-2024 Consolidated Fee Schedule.
- Resolution 2023-26 amended the 2023-2024 Consolidated Fee Schedule.
I further certify that the above referenced resolution(s) and/or ordinance(s) were posted on August 8, 2023 in accordance with Utah Municipal Code 10-3-711 as a class A notice under section 63G-28-102.