Public Notice
Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of St. George, Washington County, Utah, will hold a Planning Commission meeting in the City Council Chambers, 175 East 200 North, St George, Utah, on Tuesday, May 23, 2023, commencing at 5:00 p.m.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
Call to Order
Flag Salute
1. Lin's Market Zoning Map Amendment and Preliminary Plat - Rick Magness, representing AWA Engineering is requesting approval of a Zoning Map Amendment and a preliminary plat on the property located at approximately 2700 to 2900 South River Road for the purpose of constructing a grocery store and commercial pads. The project is known as Lin's Market River Road. (Staff - Dan Boles)
a. PUBLIC HEARING: Consider a request to change the zoning from A-20 (Agriculture, 20-acre minimum lot size) and OS (Open Space) to PD-C (Planned Development Commercial) on approximately 12.88 acres. The application also includes adopting a use list for the development, and review site plan and building elevations of a proposed grocery store on the site. Case No. 2023-ZC-004.
b. Consider a request for a five (5) lot preliminary plat, in order to subdivide the property and create commercial building lots. This plat will be known as Ridley's St. George Commercial. Case No. 2023-PP-019.
2. Tonaquint Phases 4-7 Zoning Map Amendment - PUBLIC HEARING: Logan Blake with Quality Development, representing Utah State Trust Lands is requesting approval of a Zoning Map Amendment from R-1-40 (Single Family Residential minimum 40,000 sq ft lot size) and M & G (Mining & Grazing) to R-1-20 (Single Family Residential 20,000 sq ft minimum lot size) on 74.098 acres for the purpose of constructing single family homes. The property is generally located south of Tonaquint Terrace and west of Tonaquint Heights along Chandler Drive. Case No. 2023-ZC-003. (Staff - Mike Hadley)
3. Circolo Villas Planned Development Amendment and Preliminary Plat - Grey Garza, representing RDG, LLC is requesting approval of a Planned Development Amendment and a preliminary plat on the property located south-east of Gap Canyon Pkwy and 1790 West intersection for the purpose of adjusting the approved building layout, reducing the number of approved multi-family units, and changing the building architecture. The project will be known as Circolo Villas (Staff - Dan Boles)
a. PUBLIC HEARING: Consider a request for a Planned Development (PD) amendment to the existing PA-1 Multi-Family PD-R (Planned Development Residential) zone. The applicant is seeking to adjust the previously approved building layout, architecture, and unit count. The proposal would reduce the number of units from 500 approved multi-family units to 464 multi-family units. The property is approximately 34.27 acres. Case No. 2023-PDA-004.
b. Consider a request for a three (3) lot preliminary plat, in order to subdivide the property for the residential project. Case No. 2023-PP-011.
4. Banded Hills Lot 3 Hillside Development Permit - Jason Ward, representing Rosenberg and Associates is requesting approval of a hillside development permit to allow construction on a portion of a single lot in the existing Banded Hills subdivision that is currently restricted due to potential rockfall hazard. The site is located at 2991 E Banded Hills Drive. This would affect only Lot 3 of the Banded Hills Subdivision. The property is currently zoned R-1-10 (Single Family Residential minimum 10,000 sq ft lot size). Case No. 2023-HS-005. (Staff - Mike Hadley)
5. Moorland Park Phases 5 & 8 Preliminary Plat - Logan Blake, representing DSG Engineering is requesting approval of an amendment that will add an additional six (6) lots to the Moorland Park Phases 3-9 Preliminary Plat. The property to be amended is 2.49 acres and is generally located north of the 2580 east dead end at approximately 930 South. The property is zoned R-1-10 (Residential Single Family, 10,000 sq ft minimum lot size). Case No. 2023-PP-018 (Staff - Dan Boles)
6. Minutes
Consider a request to approve the meeting minutes from the May 9, 2023, meeting.
7. City Council Items
Jim Bolser the Community Development Director will report on items heard at the May 18, 2023, City Council meeting.
1. 2023-ZC-005 North St. George Plaza
2. 2023-DA-001 Golf Cart Easement
3. 2023-PP-015 Tonaquint Commercial
Brenda Hatch - Development Office Supervisor
Reasonable Accommodation: The City of St. George will make efforts to provide reasonable accommodations to disabled members of the public in accessing City programs. Please contact the City Human Resources Office at (435) 627-4674 at least 24 hours in advance if you have special needs.
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
The City of St. George will make efforts to provide reasonable accommodations to disabled members of the public in accessing City programs. Please contact the City Human Resources Office at (435) 627-4674 at least 24 hours in advance if you have special needs.