Commission on Housing Affordability 2023 Meeting Schedule
Notice Subject(s)
Public Meetings
Notice Type(s)
Event Start Date & Time
May 17, 2023 01:00 PM
Commission on Housing Affordability (CHA) 2023
May 9: CHA Meeting - Discuss priorities and create working groups.
May: CHA working groups meet to outline target policy, data and funding initiatives.
May 31: UEOC Meeting - CHA Co-Chairs to present policy topics to be covered during the summer.
June 6: CHA Meeting - Review progress of working groups.
June - July: Working groups meet to further develop target policy, data and funding initiatives.
August 1: CHA Meeting - Review recommendations from working groups.
August 30: UEOC Meeting - CHA Co-Chairs to present early-action items for UEOC consideration to forward to September Interim Committees and Governor's Budget.
September 5: CHA Meeting - Finalize legislative proposals and funding requests to be presented to the UEOC.
September 27: UEOC Meeting - CHA Co-Chairs to present regular items for UEOC consideration to forward to October Interim Committees and Governor's Budget.
October 26: UEOC Meeting - CHA Co-Chairs to present remaining items for UEOC consideration to forward to November Interim Committees.
January 10, 2024: UEOC Meeting - Final discussions and reports, working groups are disbanded. UEOC staff will work with legislators on commission recommendations.
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
NOTICE OF SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION DURING PUBLIC MEETINGSIn compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify Stacey Herpel