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Amalga Town Board Meeting

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Amalga Town Council

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Notice Title
Amalga Town Board Meeting
Notice Subject(s)
Administrative Procedure
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Event Start Date & Time
April 12, 2023 07:00 PM
Event End Date & Time
April 12, 2023 08:54 PM
Amalga Town Board Minutes April 12, 2023 Attending: Mayor David Wood, Council Members: Paul Hansen, David Lee, Shantrell Ritter Attendees: Kristen Allsop, Collette Dusteler, Kade Wilson, Lieutenant Bartschi, Sheriff Jensen, Officer Shaw 1-Pledge of Allegiance: Paul Hansen 2- Roll Call: 3- Approve Minutes of previous meeting By: Paul Hansen 2nd Dave Lee 4- Sheriff's Report: Three-year contract year two is starting. What has been use for this contract year (July 22 - March 23) Hours of Service 225 Calls 58 100,000 Plus sandbags were ordered by Cache County. We got 1,000 bags and a load of sand. The rivers are already running 4-5 times higher. Will get us a sandbag filler. Our biggest concern is the traffic speed through town. Sherriff will be trying something new that should get them out this way. Grand opening of animal impounds partnered with new vision vets. Sheriff office web page has the information for lost animals. 5- Youth Council report For the USU conference. Was a statewide conference for youth councils throughout the state. Majority was for motivational speakers. Introduced to the 4h website that has activities and making meetings mor productive. Gave them an opportunity to hang out with other councils in the valley. It was a great opportunity to see how other councils are run. Newton leader is willing to mentor Kristen to help improve our program. Vernon is willing to help the youth council with team-building activities. We have 10-12 youth on the council. Ages 12-15 Bring any ideas you have to the council so that we can help. We had about 85 kids for the Easter Egg hunt. Want to go again next year to the USU conference. Will be implementing two deep leadership 6- Collette Dursteler review for Pioneer Day Celebration. Has asked Rayslin Larson to be co-chair. Want to go back to the old fashion fair idea. Theme along the lines of 'Amalga the Beautiful'. Lined up the dunk tank, the train for the kids to ride, a bounce house, Fire department doing the water spray. Baseball diamond water kickball, Might want to talk to Leslie Lee for recipes for the food. Budget Excluding the Fireworks and Breakfast 3,000 to 3,500 Narrow everything down by May Town Council Meeting 7- Council Reports: 1. Paul Hansen: a. Haven't heard from the lawn guy yet. But will probably soon. b. Will get the pickleball court and tables up. c. Town cleanup have to ask Howard Kunz about having the youth do it. 2. David Lee: a. Planning and Zoning meeting was canceled. b. Nick Nichols talked about his chickens, c. Diehl called and Dave helped him out. d. Wheelchair ramp contact Lloyd Jenson to spearhead project. e. Jesus meter problem Craig Peterson will do that work. f. Still need a secretary for Planning and Zoning. Will call Judy Downs to see if she can substitute while Dave Lee is gone on vacation this summer. 8- Mayor's report: a. Water is up at Phil Ward and Morris Hansen houses hopefully it will be receding soon. b. Probably use the leftover sand from sandbags on roads. 9- Cash Disbursement Motion to approve by Dave Lee 2nd Paul Hansen 10. New business: 11. Adjournment. Motion to close the April meeting was made by: Dave Wood 2nd: Paul Hansen
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify David Lee @435-881-0552.
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Meeting Information

Meeting Location
6590 N 2400 W
AMALGA, UT 84335
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Notice Posting Details

Notice Posted On
April 24, 2023 11:33 AM
Notice Last Edited On
April 24, 2023 11:33 AM


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