Boulder Town Planning Commission, Regular Meeting and Public Hearing
Notice Subject(s)
Land Use
, Administrative Rules and Procedures
Notice Type(s)
Event Start Date & Time
April 13, 2023 07:00 PM
Event End Date & Time
April 13, 2023 09:00 PM
Event Deadline Date & Time
04/04/23 06:00 PM
The Boulder Town Planning Commission will hold its regular meeting and a public hearing on Thursday, April 13, starting at 7:00 pm at the Boulder Community Center Meeting Room, 351 No 100 East, Boulder, UT, and on zoom.
1. Approve agenda;
2. Approve March 9, 2023 minutes;
3. 7-8pm, Lee Nellis discussion: CUP application, housing reports, ordinance options;
4. Public Comments;
5. Public Hearing, Headwaters Guest Ranch;
6. Discussion and action on Headwaters CUP;
7. Discussion on options for promoting attainable housing/preserving ag and open space;
8. Finish Bylaws review (items #22 through end);
9. Continued discussion on process improvement;
10. Discussion on future training/work sessions;
11. Final public comments;
12. Final staff comments;
13. Upcoming business for May 11.
The hearing is to receive public comment regarding a Conditional Use Permit for a Guest Ranch, as part of Headwaters Cattle & Guest Ranch, LLC, located at 4270 North Hwy 12.
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
Notice of Electronic or Telephone Participation
Zoom Connection:
Meeting ID: 879 0742 5405; Passcode: 658908
Pick a number: 1 669 444 9171; 1 669 900 6833; 1 719 359 4580; 1 253 205 0468; 1 253 215 8782; 1 346 248 7799; 312 626 6799
(Phone users: *6 to mute/unmute and *9 to raise/lower hand for speaking)