Due to restrictions in place during the Covid-19 Pandemic please join Emery County Commission Meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
Notice of the regular Meeting of The Board of County Commissioners
of Emery County, Utah.
Date: March 7, 2023 3:00 P.M.
Location: Emery County Administration Building
75 E Main Street, Castle Dale, Utah
Emery County Board of Commissioners:
Lynn Sitterud, Chairman
Jordan Leonard
Keven Jensen
-Pledge of Allegiance/ Invocation-
(Note to the public: The consent agenda consists of item(s) that are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted in the form of one motion. Any items can be removed from the consent agenda and heard in its regular order at the request of any commissioner.)
Items to be pulled for discussion by the Board will be placed first on the list of discussion items. All other consent agenda items will be approved in one motion.
Approval of check edit list, requisitions, and dispositions.
Approval of the February 21, 2023 Commission Meeting Minutes.
Approval to give Cody Wilstead a 3% wage increase for successful completion of his 6 month orientation period and the 5% COLA given the first of the year. Effective 3-20-23.
Approval to give Sydney Carter and Tyler Frandsen a 3% wage increase for successful completion of their 6 month orientation period as a Head Lifeguard and the 5% COLA given the first of the year. Effective 3-20-23.
Approval to give Kimra Phillips a 3% wage increase for successful completion of her 6 month orientation period as a custodian at the Emery Library and the 5% COLA given the first of the year. Effective 3-20-23.
Approval to give Kendra Bell a 3% wage increase for successful completion of her 6 month orientation period as the Assistant Librarian in Elmo and the 5% COLA given the first of the year. Effective 3-20-23.
Approval of conflict of Interest form from Coby Hunt.
Approval to reclassify Tiffany Baker to a 3/4 time employee working 29 hours per week with prorated vacation, sick, holiday, and retirement. No wage change. Effective 3-20-23.
Discussion Items
Items that require discussion before approval by motion.
Items pulled from the consent agenda.
Open/Review/Award bids on the Millsite County Road Riprap and Fish Habitat Project.
Concerns regarding the process of contacting elected officials presented by Allan Paul Riddle.
Discuss/Approve/Deny tax deferral on parcel # 01-0178A-0012 for Derk Jones.
Discuss/Approve/Deny tax deferral on parcel # 01-0154-0031 for Rachel Cresto.
Discuss/Approve/Deny Master Lease Agreement between Emery County and Unified Fleet Services, LLC.
Discuss/Approve/Deny Indigent Cremation Application for Hilda Sue Malone.
Discuss/Approve/Deny rolling over unexpended 2022 Main Street Grant Funds to the 2023 Main Street Grant Fund budget.
Discuss/Approve/Deny Travel Bureau contributing $55,000 of TRT Funds to the 2023 Main Street Grant Program.
Discuss/Approve/Deny contributing $55,000 of ARPA funds to the 2023 Main Street Grant Program.
Discuss/Approve/Deny MOU between Emery County and the Emery County Business Chamber regarding the 2023 Main Street Grant Program.
Discuss/Approve/Deny approval of the New National Opioid Settlement Participation Package for settlements with Teva, Allergan, CVS, Walgreens and Walmart.
Discuss/Approve/Deny nominating Judge Jon Carpenter, J.D. for the position of Emery County Justice Court Judge.
Discuss/Approve/Deny granting permission for Emery County to sign up with Dominion Energy for conversion from propane to natural gas on all Emery County owned buildings in Green River.
Commission/Elected Officials Reports.
Any other business which may regularly come before The Board. Please call ahead if you need specific accommodations that will help you attend this meeting at 435-381-3550.
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify the Emery County Commission office at (435) 381-3570
Notice of Electronic or Telephone Participation
We do not have electronic participation at this time.