Emigration Canyon Metro Township Council
Staff/Public Meeting Agenda
January 24, 2023
7:00 PM
In-Person at
Emigration Canyon Fire Station
5025 E Emigration Canyon Road
Virtual Meeting Via Zoom
The Public May Attend Meetings
The Meeting May Be Closed for Reasons Allowed by Statute
The public may attend this meeting in-person at the Emigration Canyon Fire Station or via Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83328451408.
Upon request with three working days' notice, the Greater Salt Lake Municipal Services District will provide free auxiliary aids and services to qualified individuals (including sign language interpreters, alternative formats, etc.). For assistance, please call 385-468-7130 - TTY 711.
1. Welcome and Determine Quorum
Joe Smolka, Mayor
Jennifer Hawkes, Deputy Mayor
David Brems, Council Member
Catherine Harris, Council Member
Robert Pinon, Council Member
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Recognize Visiting Officials
7:05 4. Citizen Public Input
(Individuals wishing to comment must access the meeting using the Zoom.com link above by the beginning of the 'Citizen Comment' period. If an individual is unable to attend the meeting, they may email their comments to nwatt@slco.org to have them read into the record.)
5. Reports from other Municipal Providers
7:35 5.1 Emigration Canyon Community Council - Bill Tobey, Chair
7:40 5.2 Unified Police Department - Detective Dawn Larsen
7:45 5.3 Unified Fire Authority - Chief Bryan Case
7:50 5.4 Salt Lake County Animal Services - Gary Bowen, Emigration Canyon Metro Township Council Representative
6. Council Business
7:55 6.1 Introduction of Lannie Chapman, Salt Lake County Clerk (Discussion)
8:05 6.2 Discussion Regarding a Rezone Request for High Density Multi-Family Residential Located at 3052 E Emigration Canyon Road (Motion/Discussion)
8:20 6.3 Request for Additional ARPA Funds for the Emigration Canyon FEMA Study and Map Revision Study (Motion/Discussion)
8:25 6.4 Snow Removal in Pine Crest and Fire Hydrants (Motion/Discussion)
8:30 6.5 CodeRED Usage Policy (Motion/Discussion) - Cameron Platt, Legal Counsel
8:40 6.6 Community Renewable Energy Program Ordinance (Motion/Discussion)
8:45 6.7 Special Event Permits Late Fees (Motion/Discussion)
8:50 6.8 Dark Sky Ordinance (Motion/Discussion)
8:55 6.9 Legal Issues (Motion/Discussion) - Polly McLean or Cameron Platt, Legal Counsel
9:00 6.10 Budget Items
(a) (a) Approval of Expenditures (Motion/Discussion)
9:05 8.8 6.11 Consideration of Minutes (Motion/Discussion)
(a) December 20, 2022
7. Council Member Reports
9:10 7.1 Administrator Report - Gordon Bennett
(a) 2022 Strategic Plan and Accomplishments
(b) 2022 Greater Salt Lake Municipal Services District (MSD) Accomplishments
9:15 7.2 Council Member Brems
(a) Unified Police Department (UPD) &
Salt Lake Valley Law Enforcement Service Area (SLVLESA)
(b) Emigration Canyon Metro Township Planning Commission
9:20 7.3 Council Member Harris
(a) Unified Fire Authority (UFA) & Unified Fire Service Area (UFSA)
(b) Watershed Plan
9:25 7.4 Council Member Pinon
(a) Wasatch Front Waste and Recycling District (WFWRD)
(b) Utah Broadband
9:30 7.5 Deputy Mayor Hawkes
(a) Website (www.ecmetro.org)
(b) CodeRED
(c) Restrooms
(d) Association of Municipal Governments
9:35 7.6 Mayor Smolka
(a) Greater Salt Lake Municipal Services District (MSD)
(b) Landfill Council
(c) Wasatch Front Reginal Council (WFRC) Transportation Committee
(d) Council of Governments (COG)
(e) Legislative Update
9:40 8. Other Announcements:
9:45 9. Closed Session per Utah Code §52-4-205
9:50 10. Future Metro Township Council Agenda Items:
9:55 11. Motion to Adjourn Meeting
Topic: Emigration Canyon Metro Township Council Meeting
Time: January 24, 2023, 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
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Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
Upon request with three working day's notice, Salt Lake County will provide free auxiliary aids and services to qualified individuals (including sign language interpreters, alternative formats, etc.). For assistance, please call (385) 468-7130 - TTY 711. The Public May Attend.
Meetings May Be Closed For Reasons Allowed By Statute.