PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Washington County, in St. George, Utah will hold a regular public meeting in the WASHINGTON COUNTY COMMISSION CHAMBERS, and via Zoom in the WASHINGTON COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, 197 EAST TABERNACLE, ST. GEORGE, UTAH commencing at 4:00 PM on SEPTEMBER 6, 2022.
Items for discussion MUST be placed on this agenda by 2:00 PM WEDNESDAY preceding the meeting date.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 816 8501 2729
Passcode: 815687
INVOCATION BY: Sharon Shores, Universal Life Church Ministries
The consent agenda is a means of expediting the consideration of routine matters. If a commissioner requests that items be removed from the consent agenda, those items are placed at the beginning of the regular agenda. Other than requests to remove items, a motion to approve the items on the consent agenda is not debatable.
a. Consideration of Auditor-Approved Claims for Payment for August 17, 2022 through September 6, 2022
b. Consideration of Regular Commission Meeting Minutes of August 16, 2022 and Work Meeting Minutes of August 23, 2022
c. Consideration of Administrative Adjustments: Real Property
d. Consideration of Administrative Adjustments: Personal Property
e. Consideration of Application(s) for Property Tax Abatement (3)
f. Consideration of Five County Association of Governments Contract Amendment 1 with Washington County Council on Aging for Aging and Nutrition Services FY 2022
g. Acknowledgement of Notice of Adoption of Ordinance No. 2022-1216-O, on Saturday August 28, 2022
1. Presentation: Employee Longevity Award
2. Presentation: Hinton Burdick 2021 Financial Statements
3. Consideration of Purchase Requests
4. Consideration of Proclamation No. 2022-25, A Proclamation Declaring Washington County's Adoption of Constitution Week
5. Consideration of Resolution No. R-2022-2989, A Resolution Approving a Conservation Easement that is being Conveyed as Part of the Pine Valley Preservation Project
6. Consideration of Resolution No. R-2022-2990, A Resolution Approving an Interlocal Agreement Between Washington County and the State of Utah Department of Natural Resources, Division of State Parks for TRT Funding to Improve and Expand a Portion of Road Inside Sand Hollow State Parks
7. Consideration of Resolution No. R-2022-2991, A Resolution Regarding Budgetary and Inflationary Pressure
8. Consideration of Resolution No. R-2022-2992, A Resolution Authorizing Additional Services for the Proposed Western Fire Special Service District
9. Consideration of Resolution No. R-2022-2993, A Resolution Authorizing an Additional Service for the Proposed Mountain Fire Special Service District
10. Consideration of Resolution No. R-2022-2994, A Resolution Approving a Professional Service Agreement with Avenue Consultants to Prepare the Washington County Transportation Master Plan and Active Transportation Plan
11. Consideration of Resolution No. R-2022-2995 A Resolution Approving Juvenile Public Defender Agreements
12. Consideration of Resolution No. R-2022-2996, A Resolution Approving an Amendment to the Agreement Between Washington County and Bowen, Collins & Associates, Inc. for the Warner Draw Watershed Environmental Assessment Project and Adding Five Additions sun-Projects
13. Consideration of Resolution No. R-2022-2997, A Resolution Approving the Issuance of a Comment Letter to the BLM Regarding a Proposed Integrated Weed Management Plan in the Beaver Dam Wash and Red Cliffs National Conservation Areas
14. Commissioners' Report
Meetings are re-broadcast daily on TDS Cable Channels 22 & 108(HD) at 10am, 2pm, and 5:30pm. They are also available on demand at
To be provided to The Spectrum on Friday, September 2, 2022
Cheyenne Bentley, Deputy
Washington County Clerk
REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION: Washington County will make efforts to provide reasonable accommodations to disabled members of the public in accessing County programs. Please contact the Washington County Commission Office at 435-634-5700, in advance, if you have special needs.
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
Washington County will make efforts to provide reasonable accommodations to disabled members of the public in accessing county programs. Please contact the Washington County Commission Office at 435.634.5700 in advance if you have special needs.