Utah Inland Port Authority Board
Thursday, June 2, 2022
9:00 AM
Capitol Building, Rm 445
Join Virtually: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_x1CX5qFFRbCLUYWVAbAe-g
Welcome Procedural
Board Chair, Miles Hansen
Inland Port Authority Board Meetings are a place for people to feel safe
and comfortable while participating in the civic process. A respectful
and safe environment allows meetings to be conducted in an orderly,
efficient, effective, dignified fashion, free from distraction, intimidation,
and threats to safety
Approval of Minutes from May 19, 2022 and May 26, 2022 Action
Board Chair, Miles Hansen
Policy Recommendations Action
Deputy Executive Director, Jill Flygare
Approval of Board Policies Action
Board Chair, Miles Hansen
Executive Structure Discussion Informational
Exeutive Director, Jack Hedge
Public Comment Action
Closed Session* Procedural
Discussion of the character, professional competence, or physical or
mental health of an individual, strategy sessions to discuss pending or
reasonably imminent litigation, strategy sessions to discuss the purchase,
exchange, or lease of real property
Adjourn Action
*The Board may consider a motion to enter into Closed Session. A closed meeting described under section 52-4- 205 may be held for specific purposes including, but not limited to:
a. discussion of the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual;
b. strategy sessions to discuss collective bargaining;
c. strategy sessions to discuss pending or reasonably imminent litigation;
d. strategy sessions to discuss the purchase, exchange, or lease of real property, including any
form of a water right or water shares, if public discussion of the transaction would:
(i)disclose the appraisal or estimated value of the property under consideration; or
(ii)prevent the public body from completing the transaction on the best possible
e. strategy sessions to discuss the sale of real property, including any form of a water right or water shares, if:
(i)public discussion of the transaction would:
(A)disclose the appraisal or estimated value of the property under consideration; or
(B)prevent the public body from completing the transaction on the best possible terms;
(ii)the public body previously gave public notice that the property would be offered for sale; and
(iii)the terms of the sale are publicly disclosed before the public body approves the sale;
f. discussion regarding deployment of security personnel, devices, or systems; and
g. Investigative proceedings regarding allegations of criminal misconduct
In order to support a respectful meeting, items that disrupt the meeting, intimidate other participants or cause safety concerns are not allowed. For example:
- Jeering, cheering, clapping and waving signs may intimidate other speakers and cause a disruption.
- Generally, props and equipment are not allowed. If you have a prop or piece of equipment integral to a presentation, please clear its use with a staff member before entering the meeting room.
- If you have questions about proper placement of recording equipment or recording in general, please coordinate this with staff before the beginning of the meeting to help ensure that it does not disrupt the meeting or make other attendees feel uncomfortable.
- Staff may request changes to placement of recording equipment or other equipment to help facilitate the meeting.
- If you have written remarks, a document, or other items you may want the Board to review, do not approach the dais. Instead, please give them to staff and they will distribute them for you.
- Failure to follow these decorum rules may result in removal from the meeting.
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals requiring special accommodation during this meeting should notify Taneesa Wright at 801-577-7250 prior to the meeting.
Notice of Electronic or Telephone Participation
Hi there,
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Jun 2, 2022 09:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Utah Inland Port Authority (UIPA) Board Meeting
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