Study Session, 5:30 p.m.
1. Review of Board Meeting Agenda
2. Information Item: Google Shared Drive Training for Board Members
Presenter: Adam McMickell, Student Achievement
Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m.
1. Welcome and Acknowledgement of Visitors
2. Reverence
Presenter: Sondra Jolovich-Motes, Equity and Access
3. Pledge of Allegiance
Presenter: Adam McMickell, Student Achievement
4. Celebrating Student Achievement
Presenter: Jer Bates, Public Information Officer
4.a. Students of the Month
Presenter: High School Administration
4.b. Great Things Happening
4.b.i. National Merit Scholarship Finalist - Brooklyn Gull, Ogden High School
4.c. Celebrating the Arts
Presenter: Carrie Maxson, District Arts Supervisor
5. Consent Calendar
5.a. Recommended Personnel Actions (Bennington)
5.b. Board Financial Report (Woolstenhulme)
5.c. Minutes
5.d. Revised 2021-2022 Board Meeting Schedule (Zundel)
5.e. District Student Extracurricular Overnight or Extended Travel Request: Ogden High School Western Regional Music Performance, Anaheim, California on March 24-27, 2022. (Rasmussen)
5.f. District Student Extracurricular Overnight or Extended Travel Request: Ogden High School JROTC Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day Parade, Honolulu, Hawaii on December 5-8, 2022. (Rasmussen)
5.g. Ogden High School LAND Trust Plan 2021-22 Amendment (Jolovich-Motes)
5.h. Ellevation ELD Software System: Two-Year Contract Extension (Jolovich-Motes)
5.i. ECF Funded T-Mobile Hotspots (Bowden)
5.j. HP Support Contract Renewal (Bowden)
5.k. ECF Funded Dell Chromebooks (Bowden)
5.l. Teacher Computers for Polk Elementary (Bowden)
5.m. Teacher Computers for Liberty Elementary (Bowden)
5.n. Board Policy Revisions, 2nd Reading (Bennington)
5.o. OSD & YMCA MOU (Maxson)
5.p. 21-22 OSD & Weber State University GEAR UP MOU (Maxson)
6. Superintendent's Report
7. Business Administrator's Report
8. Public Participation
9. Increasing Student Achievement
9.a. Information Item: Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
Presenter: Sonja Davidson, Student Advocacy Services
9.b. Action Item: Policy Revisions, 1st Reading
Presenter: Jessica Bennington, Human Resources
9.c. Action Item: Robotics Technology Course for Junior High Schools
Presenter: Christine Heslop, CTE Specialist
9.d. Action Item: Equipment for Athletic Groundskeeper Position
Presenter: Mitch Arquette, Athletic Supervisor
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1991, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary aids and services) during this meeting should notify Jessica Bennington, Director of Human Resources, at 1950 Monroe Blvd., Ogden, UT, 737-7322, at least three days prior to the meeting.