Emigration Canyon Metro Township Council
Staff/Public Meeting Agenda
JUNE 25, 2020
7:00 PM
Virtual Meeting Via Zoom
The Public May Attend Meetings
May Be Closed for Reasons Allowed by Statute
Upon request with three working days' notice, the Greater Salt Lake Municipal Services District will provide free auxiliary aids and services to qualified individuals (including sign language interpreters, alternative formats, etc.). For assistance, please call 385-468-7130 - TTY 711.
The Public is Invited and Welcome to Attend the Staff Meeting
7:00 1. Agenda Items (Discussion)
7:05 2. Emigration Canyon Metro Township General Plan Update (Discussion) - Kate Davies
7:20 3. COVID-19 Update (Discussion)
7:30 4. CARES Act Funding (Discussion)
7:45 5. Policy Discussion on Communication Protocol (Discussion)
7:55 6. Traffic Violation Penalties (Discussion) - David Church
8:05 7. Road Paving Update (Discussion)
8:15 8. Rocky Mountain Power (Discussion)
8:25 9. Work Meeting Schedule (Discussion)
1. Welcome and Determine Quorum:
Joe Smolka, Mayor
Jennifer Hawkes, Deputy Mayor
David Brems, Council Member
Gary Bowen, Council Member
Catherine Harris, Council Member
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Recognize Visiting Officials
4. Public Hearing: None
5. Community Input:
8:35 5.1 Citizen Comment:
(a) Please provide name and address for the record
(b) Comments are limited to 3 minutes per person
8:45 5.2 Emigration Canyon Community Council Report - Bill Toby
8:50 5.3 Unified Police Department - Officer Jake Elsasser
8:55 5.4 Unified Fire Authority - Captain Michael Conn
(a) Appointment of Alternate UFA & UFSA Board Member (Motion/Discussion)
6. Council Business:
9:05 6.1 Flood Ordinance (Motion/Discussion)
9:20 6.2 Independent Road Audit (Motion/Discussion)
9:30 6.3 CARES Act Funding (Motion/Discussion)
9:40 6.4 Legal Issues (Motion/Discussion) - David Church
9:45 6.5 Budget Items:
(a) Approval of Expenditures (Motion/Discussion)
7. Council Member Reports:
9:50 7.1 Council Member Brems
(a) Unified Police Department & Salt Lake Valley Law Enforcement Service Area
(b) Emigration Canyon Metro Township Planning Commission
9:55 7.2 Council Member Bowen
(a) Unified Fire Authority & Unified Fire Service Area
(b) Salt Lake County Animal Services Advisory Board
10:00 7.3 Council Member Harris
(a) Wasatch Front Waste and Recycling District
10:05 7.4 Council Member Hawkes
(a) Storm Drain Fee
(b) Website
(c) CodeRED
10:10 7.5 Mayor Smolka
(a) Greater Salt Lake Municipal Services District (GLSMSD)
8. Other Announcements:
9. Closed Session per Utah Code §52-4-205
10. Future Metro Township Council Agenda Items:
10.1 Noise Ordinance
10.2 Night Sky Ordinance
10.3 Code Enforcement
10.4 Envision Utah Planning Presentation to Metro Township Council and Planning Commission
10.5 Public Works Engineering Services Presentation
10.6 Parks and Recreation Services Presentation
10.7 Wastewater Steering Committee
10.8 General Plan
10.9 Emergency Operations Plan
10.10 Community Block Grant
10.11 Removal of Jersey Barriers
11. Motion to Adjourn Meeting
Nichole Watt is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Emigration Canyon Metro Township Council Meeting
Time: Jun 25, 2020 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
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Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
Upon request with three working day's notice, Salt Lake County will provide free auxiliary aids and services to qualified individuals (including sign language interpreters, alternative formats, etc.). For assistance, please call (385) 468-7130 - TTY 711. The Public May Attend.
Meetings May Be Closed For Reasons Allowed By Statute.