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April 25, 2017 06:00 PM
MONA CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 11, 2017 7:30 PM MEETING CALLED TO ORDER BY MAYOR GREG NEWTON PRESENT: Gregory A Newton - Mayor Molli Graham- Council Member Jeffrey Hearty - Council Member Jonathan Jones - Council Member Katrina Long - Council Member Jeffrey Smith - Council Member GUEST: Mike Stringer, Gordon Garrett, Ronda Garrett, Shannon Ellsworth ALSO PRESENT: : Myrna Trautvein - Times News Reporter Michelle Dalton-Secretary/Treasurer Everd Squire -Director of Finance, Lyla Spencer, City Recorder, Lynn Ingram Planning & Zoning OPENING PRAYER: Councilmember Jonathan Jones APPROVAL OF MARCH 28, 2017 MINUTES: Councilmember Katrina Long moved to make a motion to accept the minutes of March 28, 2017 as written, a second was made by Councilmember Jeffrey Hearty. The vote was unanimous. (1st Motion) PLANNING AND ZONING: Planning and Zoning Chair, Lynn Ingram came before the council with a report on their meeting held April 5, 2017 at 8:00. The meeting went as follows: Jeff Kay came in for an Accessory Building Permit. Ingram told the council they have met all their requirements and recommend the council approve them for that permit. Councilmember Jeffrey Hearty move to make a motion to issue a building permit for Jeff Kay, a second was made by Councilmember Jonathan Jones, motion carried and passed. (2nd Motion) Gordon and Ronda Garrett came in for a building permit; Ingram made a recommendation to issue a building permit to Gordon and Ronda Garrett. Councilmember Molli Graham moved to make a motion to issues a building permit to the Garrett's, a second was made by Councilmember Katrina Long. (3rd Motion) Matt Bryan came in to inquire about a subdivision, Belliston's Subdivision, there is a total of five acres, with four 1/2 acre lots and one 1 acre lot. Ingram told the council they are working on it, and will get back with the council. MONA CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 11, 2017 7:30 PM DELEGATIONS: The duties of a codifier were of concern to the Mona City Council at the last meeting, and questions arose in regard to the cities current codifier, recorder Lyla Spencer invited Rob Rollins president of Sterling Codifiers to clear up some questions via a conference call which allowed the council to address questions and hear Rob's reply. Mayor Newton then turned the time over to council members who had questions for Rollins. The full conversation can be heard via the recording of April 11, 2017. Shannon Ellsworth with Rural Community Consultants addressed the city in regard to the General Plan: She told the council to expect a lot of growth. Growth can only be controlled with a good general plan, otherwise the city has very little control, the city code should follow the general plan. Mayor Newton presented the current General Plan which was written in February 1982 this comprehensive plan will have to be updated with the growth of the city. Ellsworth presented a Mona City General Plan Evaluation, April 2017 to the council with Element, Status, Comments, Required Ordinances, Procedures and Noticing. The General Plan Evaluation is attached and will become a permanent part of the minutes for public viewing. Ellsworth told the council she can help the city to update their current General Plan, gather the needed information and quoted an amount of $35,000. Mayor Newton asked her to get some figures together and present a proposal to the council at the next meeting. COUNCIL BUSINESS: Councilmember Molli Graham received three bids for the asphalt to be laid at the cemetery. They are as follows: Geneva Rock, $33,800, Staker, $30,302, and Bennett Paving, $26,134.66. The council accepted the low bid of Bennett Paving. The annual Spring Clean up will start on May 1 through May 15, 2017. Councilmember Jonathan Jones presented a brochure in reference to S Power a Sustainable Power Group. He told the council they are looking to relocate in Juab County near the mink farm. Information will be forthcoming, and Jones had questions for the company as they met and said he does have some concerns. Councilmember Jones (1:50) reminded the council and those present the Great Utah Shake Out will take place on April 20 at 10:15 p.m. The LEPC will be testing the siren before April 20th. There will be another CERT class in September. There is a need for Search and Rescue people. Some county revenues can be used to pay for this service. Councilmember Jones would like the city to purchase sand bags and store them at the maintenance building to use in case of an emergency. The sheriff's department will be upgrading their radio system. Councilmember Jones presented Title 3 Business and License Regulations and Chapter 4 General Penalty of the city code to the council to review. Councilmember Long said the wording MONA CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 11, 2017 7:30 PM 'May' should be changed to either 'Shall or Must' throughout the code. In section 1-4-2C should be changed to read a Class C Misdemeanor rather than a Class B. Councilmember Hearty said that he thought that rather than say 'Meetings shall be held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month' the wording might be altered to insert the word 'generally' Councilmember Jeffrey Smith was not in favor of the S Power Sustainable Power Group that Councilmember Jones presented to the council. Councilmember Smith also asked the council if there is a number he can call to complain in regard to a humming sound at the power plant. He also asked what needs to be done to stripe a crossing on Main Street, and whose responsibility it is. Councilmember Jeffery Hearty (1:45) told the council he will be attending an Economic Development meeting tomorrow. Councilmember Katrina Long is preparing for the annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday. They have been working on the ball fields. There has been a scheduling conflict for the ball fields, Councilmember Long said a nonprofit sports group has been helping to get the ball fields in shape for the season and felt they would have first choice on the schedule, but Nephi Recreation felt they should have the first choice for scheduling. Councilmember Long wondered if a MOU should be generated with Nephi Recreation, However Mayor Greg Newton told her since the two groups have worked it out, it would be best to let the summer schedule proceed as agreed between the two groups. DIRECTOR OF FINANCES: Director of Finances Everd Squire presented The Mona City Disbursement Listing for checking dated 3/29/2017 to 4/14/2017; he asked if there were questions on the disbursement. There were questions on the following checks; Done Rite Lines LLC check #1816, in the amount of $1,555.60, two checks to the Utah State Tax Commission check #320171 in the amount of $8, and check #320173 in the amount of $3,615.25 Questions were answered sufficiently on the above checks. There were five (5) checks over the allotted amount of $2,000. The report has been initialed by each council member and attached to the minutes for public viewing. SECRETARY REPORT: Secretary Michelle Dalton presented two business renewal licenses to the council they were EZPZ Quilts and Bruce's Bread which were approve by the council. Councilmember Katrina Long moved to make a motion to approve the above business licenses, with a second by councilmember Jeffrey Hearty. (4th Motion) Michelle told the council Deanne Young was wondering when the drainage issues will be taken care of. MONA CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 11, 2017 7:30 PM FYI: There were five (5) motions voted upon and passed, a motion to approve the April 11, 2017minutes, a motion to approve Jeff Kay's building permit, a motion to approve a building permit for Gordon and Ronda Jarrett, a motion to approve business licenses for EZPZ Quilts, And a motion to adjourn this meeting of April 11, 2017 and go into an executive session. PAY FINANCES ADJOURNMENT: Councilmember Jeffrey Smith moved to make a motion to pay the finances and adjourn and go into an executive session, a second was made by Councilmember Jonathan Jones, all were in favor, the vote was unanimous. (5th Motion) The city council meeting was then adjourned at 10:00 p.m., with no further comments, The council then went into executive session at 10:04 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION, IF NECESSARY: An executive session was called by Councilmember Molli Graham at 10:04, and conducted by Mayor Greg Newton. The purpose for the session was to discuss ongoing pending litigation and personnel. Those present were Mayor Greg Newton, City Recorder Lyla R Spencer, Director of Finance Everd Squire, Secretary/Treasurer Michelle Dalton, Councilmember's Molli Graham, Jeffrey Smith, Jonathan Jones, Jeffrey Hearty, and Katrina Long. Councilmember Jeffrey Hearty moved to make a motion to adjourn the executive session with a second by councilmember Molli Graham. The Executive session was adjourned at 10:57 p.m. with no further comments. _______________________________ Greg Newton - Mayor _______________________________ Lyla R. Spencer -Recorder
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In Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during the meeting should notify the City recorder (435-623-4913),at least 48 hours before the hearing.
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50 West Center Street
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Notice Posting Details

Notice Posted On
April 26, 2017 07:43 PM
Notice Last Edited On
April 26, 2017 07:43 PM


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