Thursday, March 6, 2014
Notice is Hereby Given that the Herriman Planning Commission shall hold a
Meeting in the chambers of the Herriman Community Center, located at
13011 South Pioneer Street (6000 West), Herriman, Utah.
6:00 P.M. Work Meeting
7:00 P.M. Regular Planning Commission Meeting:
1.1 Reverence / Thought
1.2 Pledge of Allegiance
1.3 Roll call
1.4 Approval of Minutes for: February 20, 2014
2.1 01A13 ? Mascaro ? 7212 W Gina Road ? Decision regarding soil manufacturing as a legal nonconforming use ? Acres: 5 ? Zone: A-1
2.2 01S14-01 ? Rosecrest, Inc. ? 4893 W Rosecrest Rd ? Proposed Subdivision Amendment of 147 Single Family Lots ? Acres: 16.84 ? Zone: C-2 ? Units: 148
(Public hearing was held 2/6/2014)
2.3 01C99-14 ? Rosecrest, Inc. ? 4893 W Rosecrest Rd ? Final PUD Approval of 147 Single Family Lots ? Acres: 16.84 ? Zone: C-2 ? Units: 148 (Continued from 02/06/14)
2.4 02Z14 ? Herriman City ? Text change to the MU-2 Zone to Allow Monument Signs
2.5 07C14 ? Benchmark Engineering ? 5016 W 13400 S ? Proposed Conditional Use Approval/Site Plan Review; Popeyes Louisana Kitchen Restaurant ? Acres: .75
Zone: MU-2 ? Units: 1
2.6 08C14 ? DDO-Utah, LLC ? 5088 W 13400 S ? Proposed Conditional Use Approval/Site Plan Review; Fast Food Restaurant ? Acres: .69 ? Zone: MU-2 ? Units: 1
2.7 03Z14 ? Boss ? 13997 S 7300 W ? Proposed Rezone from A-1 to A-.25 ? Acres: 5.25
Zone: A-1 (HEARING)
2.8 07S14 ? Boss ? 13997 S 7300 W ? Proposed Subdivision of 13 Single Family Lots
Acres: 5.25 ? Zone: A-1 ? Units: 13 (HEARING)
2.9 04Z14 ? Suburban Land Reserve, Inc. ? 6801 W 11800 S ? Proposed Rezone to R-2-10 & C-2 ? Acres: 300 ? Zone: Salt Lake County (HEARING)
2.10 09C14 ? Suburban Land Reserve, Inc. ? 6801 W 11800 S ? Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) Approval ? Acres: 300 ? Zone: Salt Lake County ? Units: 2,549
5.1 City Council Meeting - Thursday, March 13, 2014 @ 7:00 PM
5.2 Planning Commission Meeting - Thursday, April 3, 2014 @ 7:00 PM
All zone changes recommended at this meeting will be scheduled for a decision at the next available City Council meeting.
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Herriman City will make reasonable accommodation for participation in the meeting. Request assistance by contacting Herriman City at (801) 446-5323, providing at least 48 hours advance notice of the meeting.
For citizen comment policy, please see the City website at
I, Heather Upshaw, certify the foregoing Planning Commission agenda was emailed to at least one newspaper of general circulation within the geographic jurisdiction of the public body. The agenda was also posted at the principal office of the public body - at the building where the meeting is to be held. It was also posted on the Utah State Website and on Herriman City?s website at
Dated and Posted this 27th day of February, 2014 Heather Upshaw, Planner
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Herriman City will make reasonable accommodation for participation in the meeting. Request assistance by contacting Herriman City at (801) 446-5323, providing at least 48 hours advance notice of the meeting.
Notice of Electronic or Telephone Participation
Electronic or Telephonic Participation may be used if needed from time to time. Public notice will be provided pursuant to UCA 52-4-207