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City Coucnil meeting agenda March 5, 2013

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Notice Title
City Coucnil meeting agenda March 5, 2013
Notice Subject(s)
Water and Irrigation
Notice Type(s)
Event Start Date & Time
March 1, 2013 05:43 PM
Event End Date & Time
March 6, 2013 05:43 PM
Event Deadline Date & Time
03/06/13 12:00 AM
CENTERVILLE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE CENTERVILLE CITY COUNCIL WILL HOLD ITS REGULAR PUBLIC MEETING AT 7:00 P.M. ON TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 2013 AT THE CENTERVILLE CITY COMMUNITY CENTER AND CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 250 NORTH MAIN STREET, CENTERVILLE, UTAH. THE AGENDA IS SHOWN BELOW. Meetings of the City Council of Centerville City may be conducted via electronic means pursuant to Utah Code Ann. § 52-4-207, as amended. In such circumstances, contact will be established and maintained via electronic means and the meeting will be conducted pursuant to the Electronic Meetings Policy established by the City Council for electronic meetings. Centerville City, in compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, provides accommodations and auxiliary communicative aids and services for all those citizens in need of assistance, including hearing devices. Persons requesting these accommodations for City-sponsored public meetings, services, programs, or events should call Blaine Lutz, Centerville Finance Director, at 295-3477, giving at least 24 hours notice prior to the meeting. A notebook containing supporting materials for the business agenda items is available for public inspection and review at City Hall and will be available for review at the meeting. Upon request, a citizen may obtain (without charge) the City Manager?s memo summarizing the agenda business, or may read this memo on the City?s website: www.centervilleut.net. Tentative - The times shown below are tentative and are subject to change during the meeting. Time: 5:00 Centerville Community Foundation Annual Meeting 5:30 Joint City Council/Planning Commission work session ? to discuss and agree upon work program and priorities for Community Development Department and Planning Commission in 2013/2014 7:00 A. ROLL CALL B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C. PRAYER OR THOUGHT ? Councilman John Higginson 7:05 D. OPEN SESSION (This item allows for the public to comment on any subject of municipal concern, including agenda items that are not scheduled for a public hearing. Citizens are encouraged to limit their comments to two (2) minutes per person. Citizens may request a time to speak during Open Session by calling the City Recorder?s office at 295-3477, or may make such request at the beginning of Open Session.) Please state your name and city of residence. E. BUSINESS 7:10 1. Report from Museum Board re reopening of Whitaker Home Museum 7:20 2. Summary Action Calendar a. Approve Agreement between Centerville City and Centerville Deuel Creek Irrigation Co. for construction of irrigation line within Chase Lane in connection with City street rebuild and culinary waterline project b. Bid Awards for Chase Lane Culinary and Irrigation Waterlines Project 1) Materials -- from Ferguson in the amount of 56,557.34 plus tax for City culinary waterline and to Mountain States Supply in the amount of $36,775.82 plus tax for the Deuel Creek irrigation waterline 2) Labor -- AAA Excavation in the amount of $102,162.70 for City culinary waterline and $80,067.50 for Deuel Creek irrigation waterline (total bid $182,230.20) c. Bid Awards for Waterline Construction for Chapel Ridge Cove Subdivision to Mountain States Supply in the amount of $23,319.52 plus tax for materials and to Kapp Construction in the amount of $26,538.70 for labor d. Award bid to Young Automotive Fleet Sales in the amount of $35,499.70 for a Chevrolet 3500 truck with a service body, fully setup light bar, hitch, Rhino bed lining and trailer receptacle for the Water Department 7:25 3. Appoint City official to represent Centerville City at the Parrish Creek Irrigation Company Special Shareholders meeting 7:30 4. Public Hearing ? Rezoning property from A-L (Agricultural-Low) to R-L (Residential-Low)/Planned Development and Conceptual Subdivision Plan for the Woods Park Subdivision, located at approximately 2250 North 800 West ? (Tabled from February 19 meeting?to be continued to March 19 meeting) 7:30 5. Review and approve conceptual development plan for Lot 201 of the Centerville Corporate Park Subdivision, Amended, regarding proposed Dayton West office building and parking structure site plan and development for compliance with design guidelines and Development Agreement. 7:55 6. Review and approve conceptual development plan for Lot 202 of the Centerville Corporate Park Subdivision, Amended, regarding proposed Chick-Fil-A site plan and development for compliance with design guidelines and Development Agreement. 8:00 7. MINUTES REVIEW AND ACCEPTANCE ? February 5, 2013 meeting; February 19, 2013 meeting 8:10 8. Mayor?s Report 8:15 9. City Manager?s Report a. ICMA 360° assessment b. General Plan decision making guidelines c. Review calendar for proposed FY 2014 Budget and related decision making d. City Council goal setting process e. Legacy Parkway Trail use 8:25 10. Miscellaneous Business 8:30 11. Closed meeting, if necessary, for reasons allowed by state law , including, but not limited to, the provisions of Section 52-4-205 of the Utah Open and Public Meetings Act, and for attorney-client matters that are privileged pursuant to Utah Code Ann. § 78B-1-137, as amended. 8:30 12. Possible action following closed meeting, including appointments to boards and committees F. ADJOURNMENT 8:30 RDA meeting Marsha L. Morrow, MMC Centerville City Recorder
Notice of Special Accommodations (ADA)
Notice of Electronic or Telephone Participation

Meeting Information

Meeting Location
250 North Main
Centerville, 84014
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Contact Name
Jennifer Robison
Contact Email
Contact Phone

Notice Posting Details

Notice Posted On
March 01, 2013 05:46 PM
Notice Last Edited On
March 01, 2013 05:46 PM
Deadline Date
March 6, 2013 12:00 AM

Board/Committee Contacts

Member Email Phone
Gina Hirst gina.hirst@centervilleutah.gov (801)295-3477
Jennifer Robison jennifer.robison@centervilleutah.gov (801)295-3477
Clark Wilkinson mayor@centervilleutah.gov (801)295-3477
Spencer Summerhays spencer.summerhays@centervilleutah.gov (801)295-3477
George McEwan george.mcewan@centervilleutah.gov (801)335-8849
Robyn Mecham robyn.mecham@centervilleutah.gov (801)599-1938
Bill Ince bill.ince@centervilleutah.gov (801)809-8444


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